Evacuation flights from Afghanistan: who came to Germany via airlift?

Evacuation flights from Afghanistan: who came to Germany via airlift?
  • For ten days, Bundeswehr machines flew Germans and locals from Afghanistan to neighboring countries and then to Germany.
  • It is said that only a few local employees were among the passengers. But who were the others? And what happens now?

You can find more news about Afghanistan here

How many people has Germany evacuated so far?

According to its own statements, the Bundeswehr rescued 5,300 people from Kabul. But there should be more. Feather Twitter The ministry said: “We will do everything we can, including those who are outside Afghanistan To get out those who are now left behind.”

According to the federal interior ministry, 4,587 people arrived in Germany on Wednesday, including 3,849 Afghans and 403 German nationals.

Who sat in the Bundeswehr machines?

NS”Build “newspaper The U.S. had criticized that among the outgoing Afghans, there were only 138 local workers, ie 3.6 percent. Including their family members, it will be 16.4 percent. But who else was on the planes? There was no response at the request of our editors at the Foreign Office and the Ministry of the Interior.

Time“refers to unnamed employees of various German authorities in its analysis of the occupants of the aircraft. According to this, the passengers were not only local employees, but also German citizens who had worked in Afghanistan and who in some cases had a need for protection. They are members of an Afghan family and by Afghans working on German foundations and development projects, and another group were Germans of Afghan descent who wanted to visit relatives before the troops were returned, and non-Germans from other countries.

Which Afghans are allowed to come to Germany?

To Germany Afghan local employees working directly for the German authorities since 2013 are allowed to visit. In addition, some people in need of security, who are in danger with the Taliban coming to power, may come to Germany. These include journalists, human rights activists and aid workers. You can bring your spouse and minor children with you.

Designated as a security requirement must be recognized and registered by the German authority. This requires their former employers to confirm the need for protection. Those wishing to leave the country initially needed personal documents and a visa to Germany. Due to local problems, the federal government is said to have allowed visas to be issued in Germany retrospectively.

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How was it checked on site who was allowed to board the plane?

except control by armed forces and security agencies apparently she was too Taliban Involved in the selection of temporary vacancies. According to a report by ARD South Asia Studio, the Taliban intercepted buses carrying local workers and only let through those who were on the list of names.

according to a government spokesperson “Tagesschau.de“The people on the list were not local employees, but Afghans who worked for German companies like DHL. The names were given to US security forces who worked with the Taliban at the airport gates, the spokesman confirmed.

Were there any abnormalities in the detection check?

There are also about airlift from Kabul 20 Afghans who knew the police came to Germany. You have not yet been seen in Kabul and are therefore now in Germany,’ Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told the Munich Press Club on Friday.

Accordingly, there are convicted rapists among the perpetrators. In addition, a man came to Germany “who, according to the unanimous view of Germany, America and Great Britain, should be ranked even higher,” the minister pointed out. Other cases involve forged documents. Of those who were pulled out, a total of four had already been deported from Germany to Afghanistan.

What are local employees allowed to do in Germany?

Local employees have a residence permit in Germany for a maximum of three years; According to the interior ministry, it can be extended for another three years. During this time he is allowed to work in Germany. If former local employees can support themselves after five years, they can apply for an unlimited residence permit. Anyone who comes to Germany without a residence permit and was not a local employee must first apply for asylum.

How to save those who are left behind?

NS federal government Wants to bring more people from Afghanistan. “On the one hand, there will be talks about civilian continued operation of the airport. Accept Which should make further evacuations possible with civilian flights in the future,” explains foreign Office.

In addition, prerequisites have to be created to be able to bring the select few who make it across the border into Germany in neighboring countries. NS”Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” reported that a convoy with German local staff managed to leave Afghanistan on the ground. Accordingly, it was these women and men who had previously worked for the party-affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

How many people in total must be saved?

The federal government lists the names of more than 10,000 people to be brought to Germany. There are about 40,000 people, including family members. In addition, there are no plans for further refugee collection at the moment.

After his visit by the Uzbek foreign minister on Monday, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said: Germany is only trying to identify German nationals, former local employees and “others in need of protection” already in need of protection. “We’re only concerned with this group of people.”

How does Germany help in this area?

In addition to funding from the European Union, Germany is providing 100 million euros in emergency humanitarian aid for refugees from Afghanistan. The money is for international aid organizations. In addition, the German government wants to increase aid for neighboring countries by 500 million euros.

How many Afghans are absconding?

Syrians (6.6 million) and Venezuelans (3.7 million), according to data from UNHCR Afghans have the third largest displaced population with 2.7 million. Most refugee Afghans currently live in Pakistan (1.4 million), Iran (780,000), Germany (216,000), Austria (40,000) and France (32,000). In addition, there are more than 3 million internally displaced people in Afghanistan.

Are Afghans currently being deported from Germany?

Despite the alarming situation in Afghanistan, the Interior Ministry initially wanted to continue deporting the rejected refugees there. It was only through criticism from aid organizations that the federal government decided to suspend deportations for the time being. According to the State Statistical Office, about 31,000 rejected asylum seekers from Afghanistan are currently living in Germany. About 150,000 Afghans have recognized security status in this country.

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How many Afghans are bringing in other EU countries?

that is different. While Italy has driven out more than 3,700 Afghans, Austria does not want to accept any more refugees from the country. The government justifies its position by saying that it already has the fourth largest Afghan community per capita in the world”. The British have evacuated 8,000 Afghans and relatives who worked for the British government. Criticism came when it It was learned that the British Air Force had pulled out 173 cats and dogs, contrary to the fact that 1,000 local personnel could not be evacuated due to paucity of time.

Sources used:

  • Federal Foreign Office: With status reports on rescue operations and information for others in need of protection
  • Defense Department Twitter channel: Number of people rescued
  • Build.de: Number of local employees on planes
  • Zeit.de: who was able to defend himself on German planes – analysis
  • Media Services Integration: The Status and Deportation of Afghan Refugees
  • medic.de: aid organizations call for a ban on deportations in Afghanistan
  • tagesschau.de: Taliban control over local workers at Kabul airport
  • tagesschau.de: government spokesman lists names given to Taliban
  • tagesschau.de: haiko maso About the group of people selected for evacuation
  • RND.de: Interior Minister Seehofer on Afghans seen during security checks
  • tagesschau.de: Afghan acceptance in Germany
  • UNHCR.com: UNHCR International Refugee Movement Statistics
  • Federal Statistics Office: Number of Afghan refugees in Germany
  • faz.net: report on convoy overland with local crews
  • telegraph.uk: Report on the evacuation and reception of refugees in Great Britain
  • RND.de: The British are killing cats and dogs
  • German press agency report
Ground Zero, 11. September 2001

The Taliban are also retaking the capital, nearly two decades after being driven out of Kabul. A review.

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