Export Success – Canada Pfaffenschlag. promotes green electricity

Export Success - Canada Pfaffenschlag.  promotes green electricity

Learn about green electricity as red-white-red export success: The Canadian government is promoting the construction of two wind farms in the province of Nova Scotia by Pfafenschläger green power producer WEB Windenergie AG.

Together, the projects should produce roughly the same output as the Freudenau Danube power plant in Vienna. This good news was announced by none other than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself. Hardwood Lands wind farm served as the backdrop for Webb’s announcement

“I am delighted that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is relying on our blue and yellow energy transition technology. Waldviertler wind pioneers of Pfafenschlag are about to install two wind farms in Nova Scotia. This impressively shows that the energy transition is not only lower Austria is making rapid progress, but it is also becoming an export hit,” congratulating Deputy Governor Stephan Pernkopf.

The positive impact on the environment was unclear: Local energy supplier Nova Scotia Power is planning to take an old coal-fired power plant off the grid shortly before the new wind turbines become operational.

Natives of Canada as Project Partners

For the two planned wind farms, the WEB found an unusual partner by Austrian standards: the “Gloskap First Nation”, a tribe of native Canadians, holds about half the shares in renewable energy projects.

The funding commitment alone does not mean that wind turbines will be operational any time soon. To do this, WEB subsidiary SWEB Development must first win a tender, the winner of which will likely be announced in August.

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