Fact Check for Savings: How Good is the Hydraulic Balancing Energy Tip?

Fact Check for Savings: How Good is the Hydraulic Balancing Energy Tip?

To save fact check
How good is the Hydraulic Balancing Energy Tip?

Energy experts emphasize one tip in particular to conserve heating heat: hydraulic balancing for heating systems. What’s behind it – and how much do you actually save with it?

Many of the energy-saving tips that are currently being mentioned are of some use – no question about it. But anyone who is struggling to save every euro in the wake of rising prices should know that these tips are often associated with higher investments. It also includes hydraulic balancing. An overview:

What is hydronic equilibrium?

During this comparison, an expert determines exactly how much thermal output is needed to heat the individual living rooms of the house. Based on this, he adjusts the required amount of water for the heating system and the optimum flow temperature.

In addition, the performance of the pump and the required resistances in the heating circuit are calculated. This ensures, for example, that the actually required amount of water always flows from the circulation pump to the radiators and back. Because if too much or too little water flows through, all the rooms in the house are not heated equally. Result: cold radiators turn on more. This leads to unnecessary expenditure.

The measurement is done by heating contractors and, depending on the size of the system, takes several hours, with an interruption of perhaps two days for the calculations.

Can hydraulic balancing be done on every heating system?

On almost all water-bearing heating systems – whether radiator, wall or underfloor heating.hydraulic balance can be measured Stephen Materne from Energy Advice at the Federal Union of Consumer Centers, so make up. Older systems with radiators without preset radiator valves are not included. These will first have to be converted into 100 to 150 euros per piece.

Stephen Matern recommends balancing on every heating system that is newly installed. It is also a prerequisite for promotional loans.

But hydronic balancing is also useful in existing systems, where it can bring high energy savings – especially if you can’t afford a more expensive heating replacement at the moment. “And there’s good news: If you replace the boiler a few years after the hydronic adjustment, the result remains intact,” Mattern says. Because during the adjustment, the whole system following the boiler is fixed permanently.

Signs that the heating is working inefficiently and with hydraulic balancing can do:

– Rooms don’t get hot

– Some radiators stay cold or heat up later than others with the same thermostat setting

– rumble noise

How much does hydraulic balancing cost?

According to energy consultant Stefan Matern, “about 600 to 1200 euros, depending on the size of the property or heating system” you will need to spend on this measure.

The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) has government funding through a “heating optimization” program: For the cost of such measures to improve heating system efficiency, you get 20 percent back after applying. In the case of hydraulic balancing, however, the circulating pump must be replaced at the same time, which involves additional costs.

How Much Can you Save?

According to VdZ – the “intelligent heating” portal of the Economic Association for Building and Energy and the non-profit consulting company co2online, the energy consumption of heating radiators can be reduced by up to 15 percent through hydraulic balancing. Energy advice from the Union of Consumer Organizations considers savings of up to five percent.

Information varies greatly – there are reasons for this. “Savings depend on the available energy sources and the state of the system,” says Stefan Matteron.

It gets more concrete with a calculated example: the Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Sciences for the German Federal Environmental Foundation’s Optimus study proved that on average all buildings achieve a saving potential of seven kilowatt hours per square meter of area per year. We do.

If this figure is transferred to a sample house with 130 square meters at a cost of 16 cents per kilowatt hour of gas, then a savings of 910 kilowatt hours and 145 euros per year is possible (by the end of June). According to Matern, there are further savings after the adjustment: due to the good setting of the performance of the pump, it consumes less power.

Is it worth it?

In economic terms – not at first glance. There are far more investment costs than you can save this winter. But heating costs were high even before the supply crisis and are likely to remain so for gas and oil heating systems. In this regard, hydraulic balancing is an investment in the future. Depending on the heating system, the cost of the adjustment will amortize over a few years.

Heat Check from non-profit consulting company co2online is suitable for rough calculations in the case of a home or related heating system.

Matern also cautions that his calculations are conservative. This remedy can provide more relief. In addition, the settings result in the pump requiring less power, potentially reducing noise pollution in the living room and increasing comfort through faster and more efficient heat distribution. Despite the high investment cost, his verdict is: “It’s definitely worth it.”

But there’s more to consider at present: those who can afford this investment are contributing to a goal for society as a whole. Among other things, Federal Economics Minister Robert Hebeck has called for combined energy savings to maintain the security of supply in Germany: “We are in a position where I must say frankly that every kilowatt hour will help save energy. meets.” (quote 30.3.2022). And hydraulic balancing reduces the heating system’s CO2 emissions. You are also contributing towards climate protection.

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