Fan Falls In Love With A “Pretty Young Lady” – So He’s Lucky

Fan Falls In Love With A "Pretty Young Lady" - So He's Lucky

You’ve got to be lucky: At the Rammstein concert in Hamburg, a fan notices a young woman. He looks for her on the net – then she suddenly replies.

Rammstein brings love—or at least a date—to Ben Zimmerman. After the Ramstein concert at the Volksparkstadion in Hamburg on 15 June, Hessian made an unusual contribution to the local Facebook group “Network Hamburg”. In the post, which has now been shared over 3,000 times, Zimmerman reported on her concert experience.

But it was less about singer Till Lindemann’s music—but more about “a pretty, young, fair woman with little red lips”. She came to him with an acquaintance from the Dixie toilet, after they collided again in front of a bratwurst stand. Luck at a concert with 50,000 fans?

On his way home on the S-Bahn, Zimmermann saw the stranger again – then lost track of him. so what to do? Relying on the Internet was probably Zimmerman’s idea: thus came the Facebook post in the “network”, in which he asked users to help locate the young woman.

Ramstein fan goes viral with search for “pretty young blonde lady”

And Zimmerman was lucky. In an interview with T-Online, he said: “A tip from a friend made her aware of my post and then contacted me on Facebook.” A very exciting moment for her: “I was really glad it worked out and she didn’t shy away from the media hype.” After a few short messages and phone calls, it was date time.

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