Fan shares video of UE5 port of gritty first-person shooter

Fan shares video of UE5 port of gritty first-person shooter

From Alexander Neu ,
3D artist François Montagood has released screenshots and video footage from his Unreal Engine 5 port of Doom 3. The moving images of the cosmetically-powered first-person shooter captivate with dense particle effects and modified 3D models of some zombies and a demon.

François Montagood has long been active in the field of digital art and works in both two and three dimensions. After his fan demo of Sega’s Shenmue, French is now back with (moving) images from Doom 3, which he revived at least in part using Unreal Engine 5. Video recordings in particular are convincing with visually modified 3D models of some zombies, and Montagood has committed the fleshy monster to more beauty. The authentic play of light and surprisingly dense particle effects also catch the eye. The artist leaves it open whether Montagood has plans for the completion and publication of his porting.

Doom 3: Still graphically impressive

The horror shooter Doom 3 was released in August 2004 and chooses Mars 2145 as the setting. Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) has become the most powerful existing organization with virtually unlimited resources and has established a research facility. On Mars that is outside the legal and moral limits. The player takes on the role of a Space Marine who investigates the horrific experiments of the UAC Department “Delta Labs”. They literally let all hell loose on the premises, so that the protagonist has to defend himself almost non-stop using traditional and unconventional firearms.

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When it came out, Doom 3 really impressed with its graphics and presentation. Here, the shooter benefited from mostly closed level rooms and the prevailing dungeons, making many elements of the game look more impressive than they actually are. On PC, Doom 3 achieved a Metascore of 87 points, while the Xbox version scored 88 points.

Source: dark side of gaming

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