Fantastic micro-worlds: what it looks like when cancer cells die

Fantastic micro-worlds: what it looks like when cancer cells die
Watch the video: Fantastic micro-worlds – what it looks like when cancer cells die.

The freshwater polyp eats its prey. Mosquito larvae hatch from their eggs. A tardigrade explores its surroundings.

These stunning videos are among the honored films of the Nikon Small Word in Motion Awards. The award is given for films that record minute observations of the past twelve years. They show us what our daily life might look like if we had the opportunity to observe even the smallest of processes in our environment.

Video by Dylan T. Burnett, a biologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, US, shows dying melanoma cells – these are cancer cells. With these photos he finished fourth in the competition.

The film is by Ahmet Karabulut, a molecular biologist at the Gibson Lab in Kansas City, USA. This is where the neurons and stinging cells of the sea anemone communicate with each other. The video took third place.

French neuroscientist Christophe Leterier was awarded second place. His video shows the time-lapse of 12 h recordings of cultured monkey cells. DNA is blue and cell membrane is orange.

And here’s the winning video: It impressively shows what’s possible with today’s research. Here cell processes begin to appear within the embryo of a zebrafish. Argentine researcher Eduardo Zatara used fluorescence to mark different cells.

“In my research, I am particularly interested in how the ability to evolve produces evolutionary paths and ecological consequences. Although I prefer to include all dimensions of life, I am primarily interested in understanding biological systems. I focus on the creatures,” says the award winner.

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Great videos showing how microrecording is used in research today. These are spectacular shots that reflect the cinematic craft and the researchers’ curiosity for their work.

Source: Nikon Small World in Motion 2022

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