“Farmer is finding a wife” candidate spread the rumor of love with the photo

"Farmer is finding a wife" candidate spread the rumor of love with the photo
with Eylen Matze at .  Was "Farmer is looking for wife" There is no happiness in love.  Now he's apparently taken.

In “Bauer Sucht Frau” Matz had no luck falling in love with Eileen. Now he’s apparently taken.Image: RTL

Eileen and Matz from the last season of “Bauer Sucht Frau” are many fan Still vividly remembered – Farmer’s waiting often seemed annoyed and some onlookers wondered how Matze actually got along with his own kind. Ultimately, the love for the two had no happy ending: after the shoot, there was radio silence, as it turned out when they met the Inca Bows on TV. Although they met again, controversy erupted the next day over Eileen’s departure, as the farmer had planned to go to the zoo. “What is that ungrateful donkey?” He finally blurted out in front of the RTL cameras.

Now Matze surprises his followers with a new Instagram post: Apparently she is taken again, but the identity of her partner remains a secret.

“Farmer is looking for a woman” candidate with a relationship update

The “Bauer such Frau” candidate posted a photo from the car in which he is seen holding hands with a woman. The message is clear, the farmer is in love again. However, only hands can be seen in the picture. Matz himself then commented on the post with a “five week” note and a kiss emoji.

Did it finally work out with Eileen? Many followers are asking themselves this. “Who’s lucky? Lady of the Hofwoche?” For example directly asks a person. However, many users are aware that Eileen is currently not Germany stops. “Eileen is in Holidays!” and the question “is the woman from Hofwoche in Egypt” have two answers.

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So it looks like Matze has found his new girlfriend away from the Dom show. Your identity will not be revealed at least for the time being, but fans are still happy for the pair. “Good luck to you,” writes one user, another user commenting simply: “How nice,” followed by a heart-eye emoji.

By the way, with his post, Matze is following in the footsteps of Bjorn Dieffenbach, who was also present in the previous season of “Bauer such Frau” and did not find a partner through the program. In late December they introduced their newfound happiness in love – just like Matze with a photo auto was made and shows two hands placed on top of each other.


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