Farmers and city administration remain in dialogue – Bondorf

Farmers and city administration remain in dialogue - Bondorf

Road construction takes up a lot of space in BLHV assembly / The money saved is to be included in the 2022 budget.

(BZ). The subject of road construction was a large part of the general assembly of the BLHV (Badischer Landwirtschaftlicher Hauptverband), the Stadtverband Bonndorf. As President Friedrich Bundert explained, the farmers have demanded dialogue with the building authority and the city administration in this regard. Due to the precarious financial situation, a settlement was initially agreed: the repair of gravel roads in Böll, Dillendorf and Wellenden. The budget was 40,000 euros, but the actual cost would then be only around 36,000 euros. “We have sent a signal by saving financial resources in 2021,” said the Bondorfer BLHV boss and added that they had agreed to take the remaining 160,000 euros of the annual amount actually available in the 2022 budget. If the planned funds of the city in the amount of 200,000 for road construction are again budgeted, then one can deal with a larger measure amounting to 360,000 euros. “We have already submitted the idea to Mayor Marlon Jost,” informed Friedrich Bundert. In particular, think of Hardweg and Hinterwiedenweg on the one hand – whether upper or lower is still to be determined. The remedial procedure used is also still being discussed. To protect newly constructed paths, consideration should be given to whether it is necessary to clear and dilate all paths in winter. According to Bündert, this topic should be discussed in the city council as well.

Bundert also urged his professional colleagues not to go too close to the banquet while working in the fields. If such damage is found in the future, it should be sanctioned through a grant, which the city will continue to provide.

According to the information of the president of the BLHV in Bondorfer – even with the help of Freiburg – partial success was achieved on the topic of “red zones”. However, he cautioned to ensure that nitrate pollution in groundwater does not increase. Otherwise it will have a very negative impact on future agricultural operations. On the topic of hail/flood protection, Friedrich Bundert highlighted the potential of hail insurance.

Mayor Marlon Jost was pleased that city councilors Adrian Morath, Simon Berger and Werner Intlkofer were present. He took this as a sign that it was ensured that agriculture was well represented in the local council. Securing agriculture is a major concern of the city, so regular exchange is very important.

Wilfried Kaiser, president of the BLHV-Stadtverband Stühlingen, explains the new study on topographic flood assessment, which aims to provide information on preventive options. As soon as this study is ready, it will be presented to the public. Siegfried Meier of the BLHV local union in Wutach also attended the meeting. It tells of the heavy damage caused by hurricanes and hailstorms in Wutach this year.

Finally, it was suggested that uneven roads should be paved. In addition, the materials of the paths that have been rehabilitated so far are very rough and therefore not sustainable. Club members offered opportunities to help, for example, when editing paths, for a small fee. Michael Kepeller suggested the annual meeting of the local sections Wutach, Stuhlingen and Bondorf to enable a better exchange of ideas.

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