FC Bayern: Flick’s statement about Salihamidzik leaves room for speculation

FC Bayern: Trainer Hans-Dieter Flick (li.) und Sportvorstand Hasan Salihamidzic (re.)

“It’s important that you have an idea of ​​how you want to play and hire the right players,” Flick said. A statement that leaves open whether it was even done in the past.

It is certain that there was a large-scale accident between the coach and the Sports Directorate.
“Out of emotion, I moved a sentence I am not proud of and I regret it too,” confirmed Eurosport.de blow on demand FridayThat he had confronted Salihamczyk.


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“But the subject has been forgotten,” the coach said at a press conference the day before the game against Stuttgart. They now want to “tie things together in the right direction”.

Flick: “A Break That Is Good For All Of Us”

However, a home win against VfB is a must. “It’s like going to the break with a win that’s good for all of us,” Flick said.

Controversy with Salihamidzik: honest words from Flick

After a two-week pause, things continue brilliantly, as Bayern are to face their direct pursuer RB Leipzig (live ticker on Eurosport.de on Saturday, April 3, from 6:30 pm).

Enough time for Flick and Salihamidzic to smooth things over in the end.

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The flick was “relieved” after talking with Salimhadzik


Kimich is missing against former club Stuttgart – flick usage scheme b.

17 hours AGO

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