Fire brigade in search of missing: violent explosion rocked Bordeaux

Fire brigade in search of missing: violent explosion rocked Bordeaux

Fire brigade is searching for missing people
Violent explosion shakes Bordeaux

A loud explosion shocked many in Bordeaux, France on Saturday morning. Gas in a garage may be to blame for the explosion near the city center. At least two people are buried. Rescuers are searching for two missing people.

A violent explosion occurred in a building in Bordeaux on Saturday morning. Two people were missing under the rubble, Delphine Balsa told the province responsible on French television. According to reports, one of them has now been found. One 89-year-old man was seriously injured. More people suffered mild injuries and jerks. According to preliminary knowledge, the explosion was caused by a breakdown in a workshop.

The explosion occurred at 8 am in the Chartron district, near the southwestern French city center. According to reports, the gas may explode in the garage. Balsa said the exact reason has not yet been clarified. A small building reportedly collapsed and other nearby buildings were badly damaged. The missing will now be discovered under the rubble, Balsa continued. It is said to be of an auto mechanic and wife of 89 years.

The “Sud Ouest” newspaper quoted a resident as saying, “It woke me up. My whole house was shaken and I stayed about 300 meters away.” Another resident told on TV that after the explosion there was complete silence for a moment. Broken windows can be seen in the pictures.

The fire brigade is on site with a large detachment and seals the affected road. Police called residents on Twitter to honor the barriers. Two years ago, four people were killed in a violent gas explosion in Paris – including two firefighters.

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