First discounter opened cashless branch

First discounter opened cashless branch

After Reeve and Kaufland, now a discounter is also introducing cashless shopping. For this the customers desperately need one thing.

Ceiling sensors, smart shelf technology as well as multiple mini-PCs and server units make this possible: at Netto Marken-Discount’s new pilot branch in Munich-Schwabing, customers can shop without having to go till the end.

Customers need an app for cashier-free purchases

Because Neto is the first food discounter to test Pick & Go technology around the world, as the company announced today. To use this technology, customers need to have Netto app installed in their mobile phones.

If they’ve already set up the payment function in this app, shopping works as follows: When entering the store, customers check in for cashier-free service by scanning a QR code. Then go shopping as usual. You simply put all the products of your choice in your shopping bag. At an express exit, they re-scan a QR code and can then leave the branch.

The purchase amount is automatically deducted from the payment method stored in the app. Then the challan will appear in the app.

Netto-App: To use the cash-free shopping option, customers need to have Netto app on their mobile phone.  (Source: Netto Marken-Discount)Netto-App: To use the cash-free shopping option, customers need to have Netto app on their mobile phone. (Source: Netto Marken-Discount)

This is the technology behind Pick and Go

This new form of shopping works through sensors integrated into shelves and ceilings, which record the removed products and hand them over to the relevant people. According to a press release from Netto, privacy and data security are fully guaranteed: The technology used by Trigo Vision Ltd., a company specializing in computer vision, is therefore GDPR-compliant, with no facial recognition for the movement of buyers. The data remains anonymous and no biometric data is stored.

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“With Pick K&Go we are testing an innovative shopping service for customers. Also, with this new proposition we are responding to the current desire of many people for fewer contacts in everyday life,” says Christina Stylianou from Neto Corporate Communications.

Those less smartphone-savvy can also shop at the Munich test branch, as Netto has opted for a hybrid concept: traditional shopping is also possible here.

Supermarkets also have branches with cash-free shopping options.

Neto isn’t the first retail company to use Marken-discount pick-and-go technology. The supermarket chain Kaufland, for example, is currently testing the system. in Baden-Württemberg sinsheim And In Cologne, customers at the Rieve branch can without going to the checkout, Thanks to Ceiling Sensors and company.

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