First result: Russia announces “referendum” on Ukrainian territories

First result: Russia announces "referendum" on Ukrainian territories
abroad first result

Russia announced a “referendum” on the territories of Ukraine

Fear of annexation of occupied territories – Ukrainians fled to their own country

The upcoming outcome of a fake referendum in the Russian-held regions of eastern Ukraine is raising fears. Many citizens are still migrating. You worry about suddenly waking up in another country or even fighting against your own people. WELT reporter Max Hermes reports.

According to the Kremlin, the majority of Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories are said to be in favor of Russian occupation. So an unprecedented wave of attachments is likely to begin this week. The United Nations has again denied the validity of the sham referendum.

bOfficials in southern Ukraine’s Moscow-held Zaporizhia and Kherson regions on Tuesday reported victory in a so-called “referendum” on Russia’s accession. After all votes were counted, election officials in Zaporizhia said that according to preliminary results, 93.11 percent had voted for a merger. In Cherson, business executives reported an acceptance of 87.05 percent. Results for the two other Russian-occupied territories should come soon.

Ukrainian refugees have also been called to vote in Russia since last Friday. So an unprecedented wave of attachments is likely to begin this week.

“Referendums” are not recognized worldwide because they are conducted in violation of Ukrainian and international laws and without minimum democratic standards. Over the past few days, observers have pointed to several cases in which Ukrainian residents of the occupied territories have been forced to vote.

The United Nations again denied the legality of the fake referendum. “They cannot be described as a real expression of the will of the people,” the UN’s political affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, told a UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday. These unilateral Russian actions are inconsistent with international law and are intended “to legitimize the violent appropriation by the state of another state’s territory,” she told the UN’s most powerful body in New York.

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In the next phase, it is expected that the business administration deployed by Moscow will officially apply to Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for entry into Russian territory. The Kremlin had indicated that this could happen quickly. Before the start of the sham referendum, Putin insisted that the regions would then be entirely under the protection of nuclear power Russia.

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