Florian Silberesen in his live show “Du Sauhund!” In between they learn about Schlager-Luz.

Florian Silberesen in his live show "Du Sauhund!"  In between they learn about Schlager-Luz.

Florian Silberesen knows when Thomas Anders arrives: his expert lied to him about the successful surprise.

© Screenshot ARD

“You Pig Dog”: Florian Silberesen was upbeat in his ARD “Schlagerstrandparty”—because the lie of a musician friend was caught there.

Gelsenkirchen – It was the long-awaited hit party. with the audience. With many stars, some of whom even interrupted their vacation. and in awe Florian Silberesen (40), who was always happy to invite you to a half-baked normal live show: the entertainer said hello to the ARD “Hit Beach Party” from the amphitheater in Gelsenkirchen on Saturday evening. Plus an after party for his 40th birthday.

ARD “Schlagerstrandparty” with Florian Silberesen: Helen Fischer is not

Bad news for fans and Florey: Unfortunately, Helen Fisher didn’t get the time. Those who remained until the end saw a popular Schlager singer come on stage. But it was “only” Andrea Berg and not his ex-girlfriend. But there was another unexpected surprise for the TV presenter: a special came, which she did not expect at all. Thomas Anders (58)!

ARD “Schlagerstrandparty” with Florian Silberesen: Thomas Anders as a surprise visitor

True lies were also revealed in the live show. Indeed, the friends tell each other the truth – but Thomas couldn’t help but surprise it. And Florey had to whisper in advance.

Silberesen can’t stop laughing when Anders pulls into a white convertible. “You bastard!” He yells at her. “We have everything for you, Florian,” says Beatrice Egli happily to Silberesen’s astonishment. He still cannot calm down and laughingly repeats his affectionate insult: “You bastard!”

Thomas Anders (second from left) stunned Florian Silberesen.

© Screenshot ARD

ARD “Schlagerstrandparty” with Florian Silberesen: Thomas Anders had to lie to her for surprise

Then he also tells the background. “He also said he had to… He’s traveling abroad and can’t come. Aaaah!” Anders is proud: “Yeah, a good liar, isn’t he?” Then he goes on to cause his trip. :” Florian, now we will see each other again in person. I want to wish you all a very happy birthday again. Really for the next, what do I know, 40, 50, 60 years. What will happen next . It’s really, really great. I hope you had a really great time.”

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The two often work together. and successful. As a birthday present, so to speak, Anders brought together the platinum award for the duet album. The two then perform together – with a hit mix. They may not have agreed on that in advance, but Silberesen would manage the chorus medley of his songs at three o’clock in the morning. An all-round successful surprise, for which Silberesen will surely forgive his friend for a petty lie. Meanwhile, Beatrice Egley has cleared up the crazy rumors on the show. (Lynn)

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