The dead live long. Donald J. Trump (74) confirms this saying once again.
Just two days after his second impeachment proceeding, the 45th president of the USA appeared in public for the first time on Monday. He was enthusiastically celebrated by hundreds of fans in his adopted home Florida. And they were all certain: their political life is over …
Trump was returning from a golf course to his new primary residence, Mar-a-Lago, when he met supporters who had gathered on Southern Boulevard in West Palm Beach. They waved American flags, put up posters to congratulate them on their acquittal and they kept shouting, “America! America! “
All this in keeping with yesterday’s “President’s Day”. It is a public holiday in honor of all American presidents and is celebrated on the third Monday in February each year.
Trump supporters gathered in West Palm Beach, Florida on Monday to celebrate the man they believe is “America’s greatest president”: Donald J.Photo: JOED RAEDLE / AFP
Trump, who was guarded by secret service agents and sat on the back seat of an armored Chevrolet Suburban SUV, clearly enjoyed the reception. He ordered his driver to walk at a brisk pace and waved in his white polo shirt and white “Make America Great Again” hat. “We love you,” he called to the crowd. And smiled all over my face.
Donald Trump was the 45th President of the United States and is therefore called “45” by the staffPhoto: JOED RAEDLE / AFP
“This is unbelievable! Returning to Mar-a-Lago this afternoon after an amazing day at the 45 link (ed: golf course) … and then that …”, tweeted his colleague Dan Scavino, who Was in White during his time. House trumped Trump’s “social media” director.
And yesterday’s event organizer said of Trump: “He is America’s greatest president.”
Tara Crete, who watched her former president from Naples on the west coast of Florida to the Atlantic Ocean to West Palm Beach, said everyone in attendance was thinking about Trump’s political future. “It’s just starting. We just woke up. “
Then he told the local TV station “WPEC”: “It will be good for everyone – even for those who are liberal, atheist or who don’t even love their country. Because that’s what we want That’s freedom! And that’s what President Trump stands for. “
On Sunday, fans had already expressed their sympathy for Trump, who was largely withdrawn from the public after leaving the White House on January 20. For example, a woman rented a plane pulling a banner behind her that said, “We love you, President Trump.” happy Valentines Day! “
But it is not so clear that Trump will at some point rise from Phoenix-like ashes and make a new attempt at the White House in 2024.
Because a new Quinnipiac University poll showed: 55 percent of Americans want Trump not to be allowed for a political again, despite his narrow acquittal by the US Senate, in which seven Republicans voted “guilty”. Granted, he was to run for office.
Two American women cheering on former President Trump in West Palm BeachPhoto: JOED RAEDLE / AFP
In fact, a spokesman for Republican senators, 78-year-old Mitch McConnell, on Saturday found Trump just morally guilty as a Democrat.
The powerful senator from Kentucky voted to be acquitted for technical reasons. But then, in a painful speech about the storm of the US Capitol on 6 January, he announced: “There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for instigating the events of that day … “
How: The overwhelming majority of Republican voters see it differently. Quinnipiac poll showed: 87 percent of them want Trump to be able to candy again in 2024 …
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