Football – Bayer coach Zion criticizes FIFA posting obligations

Football - Bayer coach Zion criticizes FIFA posting obligations

Leverkusen (DPA) – Leverkusen football teacher Gerardo Cione has criticized the expanded obligations of world federation FIFA.

“It’s a novelty in world football that players are no longer available. It’s annoying and inconvenient – for us and also for the players. But FIFA has now set it that way,” the Swiss said in the “Picture” quote .

Zion expressed his displeasure that he would have to do without Chile’s Charles Aranguez, Argentine Axquiel Palacios and Ecuadorian Piero Hincapie in a Bundesliga match against Borussia Dortmund on 11 September. All three professionals play for their countries in World Cup qualifying on the night of 10 September.

The coach expressed understanding for holding the games he saw in March, but noted the working relationship of the three professionals: “It’s simply about the fact that the players we employ are not on an important working day.”

Not only Leverkusen, but Dortmund are also affected. Since last strong American international Giovanni Reyna is not expected to return from his international trip until 10 September with three matches at Ravierstadt against El Salvador, Canada and Honduras, he is also likely to miss the Bundesliga duel with Leverkusen. “As a club it is extremely bitter for us that he comes back so late. But unfortunately we have to accept it,” complained BVB licensed player Sebastian Kehl in “Ruhr Nachrichten”.

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