Football – Canada qualified for the World Cup for the second time

Football - Canada qualified for the World Cup for the second time

Football,Canada qualified for the Football World Cup for the second time

Canada’s Cyl Larrin (L) and Richie Laria celebrate. Photo: Nathan Dennett/Canadian Press via Zuma Press/DPA (Photo: DPA)

Directly from DPA News Channel

TORONTO (AP) — Canada’s national football team has qualified for the World Cup for the second time in its history.

Without Bayern professional Alfonso Davies, who has been out for weeks due to inflammation of his heart muscle as a result of a coronavirus infection, the team won 4–0 against Jamaica on the day of the final qualifying match of the Continental Union CONCACAF and took part. For sure at the end of the year at the World Cup in Qatar. The only World Cup with Canada to date was the 1986 tournament in Mexico.

Syl Larin (13th) and Tajon Buchanan (44th) scored twice before half-time in Toronto to give the league leaders a reassuring lead. In the closing minutes, Junior Hoylet (82′) and Adrian Mariappa with their own goals (88′) made it 4-0.

In the qualifiers for North and Central America, the top three teams are guaranteed tickets to the World Cup in Qatar. Fourth place would go to the playoffs against a team from Oceania. Jamaica had no chance of qualifying before the match.

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