For free instead of 3.49 euros: puzzle fans can get this mobile game for free today

For free instead of 3.49 euros: puzzle fans can get this mobile game for free today
Best Apps for Android, iPhone and iPad

The puzzle game “Blackthorn Castle 2”, which costs 3.49 euros, is currently being offered in the App Store for Android and iPhone. We clarify whether the download is worthwhile.

"Blackthorn Castle 2" Available for free for a short time for Android phones, iPhone and iPad.

“Blackthorn Castle 2” has been available for free for Android phones, iPhone and iPad for a short time. (source: syntax)

  • The mobile game “Blackthorn Castle 2” is currently available for free in the App Store. Normally it costs 3.49 euros.
  • In point and click game you have to solve the mystery of Blackthorn Castle.
  • It is not known how long the free offer will last.

You can daily in Play Store and App Store Paid Apps & Mobile Games Free download. Developers use free promotions to push their apps and games to the top of the download charts and attract new users. So you save a few euros and sometimes get really cool apps for free.

Feather Google Play Free instead of 3.49 euros,


In app Store Free instead of 3.49 euros,


The point-and-click game “Blackthorn Castle 2” is currently available for free. In mobile game You explore Blackthorn Castle, which is surrounded by forests, dark paths and secrets. You must help your Uncle Harry to solve them and find a lost treasure.

The game is a classic point and click puzzle game where you have to find solutions to unravel the mysteries surrounding the ancient castle. If you get stuck in difficult puzzles, you can use the integrated help system.

As usual in this type of game, there are dozens of puzzles, clues and objects to collect that you have to connect with each other. The mobile game offers two optional in-app purchases that make it possible to travel faster or get tips. However, these are not absolutely necessary to master the game.

Is it worth downloading?

If you like point-and-click games, you should check out Blackthorn Castle 2. The game has already been downloaded over 5,000 times from the Play Store and currently has an average of 4.5 stars out of 5 out of nearly 40,000 ratings. The average rating in the App Store is 4.2 out of 5 stars.

Many different puzzles, clues and objects are waiting for you to collect, which you have to connect with each other. The game is compatible with smartphones and Android tablets from Android 4.1 onwards, with Apple devices requiring at least iOS 8. This means that even fairly old cell phones and tablets are supported.

If you download the free game today, you can always reinstall it for free. Even if it is no longer given for free. It is not known how long the promotion will be valid in the Play Store. If you are interested, you should not wait too long to download it.

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