Former U.S. Homeland Security chief of staff outs himself as ‘Anonymous’ who criticized Trump

Former U.S. Homeland Security chief of staff outs himself as 'Anonymous' who criticized Trump

A former Trump administration official who penned a scathing anti-Trump op-ed and book under the pen name “Anonymous” revealed himself Wednesday as a former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The official, Miles Taylor, said in a tweet six days before the Nov. 3 election that U.S. President Donald Trump is “a man without character,” and “it’s time for everyone to step out of the shadows.”

Taylor has been an outspoken critic of Trump’s in recent months and had repeatedly denied he was the author of the column — even to colleagues at CNN, where he has a contributor contract. He left the Trump administration in June 2019 and endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for president this past summer.

Trump and White House officials moved quickly to describe Taylor as someone with little standing and clout.

“This guy is a low-level lowlife that I don’t know. I have no idea who he is, other than I got to see him a little while ago on television,” Trump told a campaign rally crowd in Arizona. As he belittled Taylor as a “sleazebag” and called for his prosecution, the crowd broke into cheers of “drain that swamp.”

Taylor with then-secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen on in March 2018. (Tim Godbee/Department of Homeland Security via The Associated Press)

But as DHS chief of staff, Taylor was in many White House meetings with the president on his border policy and other major homeland security issues. During Taylor’s time as chief of staff, Trump threatened to shut down the southern border, and his administration developed the policy to force asylum seekers to wait across the U.S.-Mexico border.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows called Taylor’s revelation “a monumental embarrassment,” tweeting, “I’ve seen more exciting reveals in Scooby-Doo episodes.”

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During a CNN appearance with Chris Cuomo on Wednesday night, Taylor said he didn’t unmask himself earlier because the story would have disappeared within 48 hours.

“No one would pay attention and they wouldn’t care,” he said. “Right now, Americans are reviewing the president’s resume, his record and his character and it is mission critical that people like me, but others, come out now when the voters are listening and tell them who this man really is.”

Taylor’s anonymous essay was published in 2018 by The New York Times, infuriating the president and setting off a frantic White House leak investigation to try to unmask the author.

In the essay, the person, who at the time identified themselves only as a senior administration official, said they were part of a secret “resistance” force out to counter Trump’s “misguided impulses” and undermine parts of his agenda.

“Many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions, while thwarting Mr. Trump’s more misguided impulses until he is out of office,” read the essay.

The allegations incensed the president, bolstering his allegations about a “deep state” operating within his government and conspiring against him.

And it set off a guessing game that seeped into the White House, with current and former staffers trading calls and texts, trying to figure out who could have written the piece.

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Trump’s campaign press secretary called Taylor’s revelation Wednesday “the least impressive, lamest political ‘reveal’ of all time.”

Hogan Gidley said in a statement that Taylor “loved President Trump until he figured out he could try to make money by attacking him.” 

Trump, who had long complained about leaks in the White House, had ordered aides to unmask the writer, citing “national security” concerns to justify a possible Justice Department investigation. And he issued an extraordinary demand that the newspaper reveal the author.

Taylor’s op-ed claimed he was one of a group of ‘resistors’ working to curtail Trump’s decisions for the good of the country. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Lied to CNN

Instead, the author pressed forward, penning a follow-up book published last November, called A Warning, that continued to paint a disturbing picture of the president, describing him as volatile, incompetent and unfit to be commander-in-chief.

To a certain extent, he’s since been overshadowed by other former government officials, both during impeachment hearings and after, who went public condemning Trump’s behaviour with their names attached.

Taylor’s behaviour also leaves questions for CNN. He was asked directly by the network’s Anderson Cooper in August whether he was “Anonymous” and answered: “I wear a mask for two things, Anderson: Halloween and pandemics. So, no.”

Josh Campbell, a national security correspondent for CNN, tweeted that he had also asked Taylor if he was “Anonymous” and was told no.

Taylor said Wednesday that he owed Cooper a beer and a mea culpa. He said he wrote in his book that he would deny being “Anonymous” if asked, because he wanted to keep the focus on his arguments, instead of who was writing them.

“You know what the problem is with having lied is: Now you’re a liar, and people will be slow to believe you,” Cuomo said.

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But he continued with a half-hour interview where Taylor denounced Trump. CNN said Taylor would remain a network contributor.

Taylor said he believed Trump would double down on damaging policies, particularly the separation of families at the southern border, if he won a second term.

“They want to turn this country into Fortress America rather than a shining city on the hill,” he said.

He said he considered resigning from the Trump administration a year before he did and wishes now that he had.

Former Republican Party consultant Reed Galen, one of the founders of the anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, tweeted that Taylor “isn’t a hero.” He added: “He sat in those rooms, in those councils of power and allowed the banality of evil to work…. Heroism isn’t silence until it’s convenient and personally advantageous to stand up.”

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