Formula E set to drive in Vancouver in 2022

Formula E set to drive in Vancouver in 2022

( — Formula E is scheduled to drive in Canada’s metropolitan Vancouver in 2022. Related plans for chain organization were waved by Vancouver City Council on Wednesday evening (local time). The committee voted 9:1 for an application that includes a concept alongside the Formula E E-Prix and other events.


Formula E race to be held in Vancouver in 2022


The resolution decided by the city council is [im typischen Behörden-Duktus]: “Reaffirming support for the Formula E World Championship race with a conference on climate change and sustainability, a musical and cultural event and the Canadian run of an electric vehicle race.”

Formula E’s return to Canada was driven by Montreal-based One Stop Strategy Group, which was responsible for staging the E-Prix in Bern in 2019. “We were approached by Formula E to look for a city to host a race in Canada,” said Matthew Carter, chief executive officer of the OSS Group. “We decided that Vancouver was the best.

The date given for the race was July 2022. There are also concrete plans for a race track around False Creek Bay, which has received city council approval. At this point, the CART/ChampCar series had already run on a street circuit between 1990 and 2004. There should be space for 56,000 spectators on the temporary grandstands.

With the E-Prix and its associated events, Vancouver is looking to boost tourism, which has largely come to a standstill as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. “What we offer is much more than just Formula E races,” insisted OSS Group boss Carter.

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“Three components with a commercial convention, concert and race is a unique concept, even for Formula E. We hope we can present it in Vancouver and prove that the concept works. does,” he says. If successful, the Vancouver concept could be a blueprint for future Formula E events, Carter hopes.

So far Formula E has toured Canada once. The 2016/17 season saw the season finale as a “double-header” with two races in Montreal. Audi driver Lucas di Grassi took the championship title in a dramatic finale.

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