Four killed in Ebola spread to Congo

Four killed in Ebola spread to Congo

Last year, the Congo government announced an end to the Ebola epidemic. But now the virus is back. Many do not want to accept it, although four people have already died traumatically.

In democratic Republic of Congo Is the number of Ebola– The deceased increased to four. Health Minister Eugene Cialita of North Kivu Province announced on Sunday that four out of six people who had been infected had died. After two deaths in early February, two more patients died on Friday and Saturday. Two other infected people are being looked after at an Ebola treatment center in Katwa near Butembo city.

Syalita complained that many residents of the area did not follow protective measures. “Some families expressly refuse to disinfect or dignify their homes and have funerals,” the minister said. “People have not yet understood that Ebola has returned.”

People deny disease

The vaccination campaign against Ebola had begun in North Kivu last Monday. With previous outbreaks, however, many people believe that the disease does not exist. Nor do they follow protective measures such as a ban on touching sick or dusty corpses.

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo announced the end of the last Ebola epidemic in the Central African country in mid-November. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Between June and November last year, 55 people died in this outbreak of the virus. A total of 120 cases of infection were reported during this period.

This is how Ebola victims die

The Ebola virus was first found in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 and is named after a river there. People affected by this are suffering fever, Muscle aches, Diarrhea As well as internal bleeding and eventual organ failure. It is spread by direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person.

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Even in west african Guinea The Ebola virus appeared last. Guinea was one of the centers of the Ebola crisis between 2013 and 2016. Around 2,500 people died of virus disease in Guinea at the time, and more than 11,300 throughout the West Africa region.

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