France rejects extradition of priests to Canada –

Papst Franziskus spricht zu den Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der indigenen Völker Kanadas.

French authorities have rejected an extradition request to Canada for an alleged abusive priest. This is for legal reasons.

According to Canadian media, the accused Johannes Rivoire (92) was a French national during the period concerned. And France cannot extradite its own citizens. Moreover, too much time had elapsed between the events in question and the indictment.

attacks against indigenous people

Rivoire has been accused of sexual assault, which he allegedly committed several decades ago in Canada’s Nunavut Territory. This is where the indigenous people of the Inuit live. It is being told that some of the victims were minors at the time of the incident.

The Canadian government submitted an extradition request to France a few months ago. Inuit officials asked Pope Francis to personally persuade the priest to go to Canada voluntarily to face charges. However, Rivoire said he had no intention of returning to Canada. Criminal prosecution is therefore – as of the current situation – unlikely. (kna)

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