Free Crys Tales Update Adds New Dungeons, Characters and Story Content • Nintendo Connect

Free Crys Tales Update Adds New Dungeons, Characters and Story Content • Nintendo Connect

jrpg love letter crystal Publisher Modus Games is getting a brand new free update today that adds a ton of new content to the game. Included are new dungeons, the Colosseum, where players can test their skills, and the new character Adri. In his own story, he must use his robotics to assert himself against all kinds of enemies that come his way.

The update is now available free of charge. crystal This summer for PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and was released for Google Stadia. This trailer introduces you to the new content of the update and Adri:

Today’s update adds a slew of new features to the game, including a brand new character, Adri, who uses his robotic techniques against anyone who gets in his way. In the dungeon included in the update, she experiences a new story and can prove her skills against special opponents.

Players can also test their skills in the new and improved Colosseum, where they compete against waves of increasingly stronger opponents. Great rewards await for those who face the most of the challenge.

In addition to these innovations, the update adds additional content. crystal added. Fans should definitely check out the new ending, which also includes a brand new cut scene. In addition, the loading time is significantly reduced in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Newcomers can also get higher discounts this month crystal Be happy. All information available about upcoming sales and complete patch notes on modus games blog,

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crystal Colombian developer studio Dreams is a declaration of love from Uncorporated to the classic JRPG, bringing the past, present and future together on one screen. Players can use Chrysbell’s amazing ability to jump between levels in time to aid the citizens of the Crystal Kingdoms and launch surprise attacks on enemies. If Chrisbel wants to save her magical world from evil, she must use her powers to shape the different time levels as she wishes. Only in this way will she be able to save the world from destruction with the help of her companions.

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