Fritz Vepper visits his grave: Acting star has cancer

Fritz Vepper visits his grave: Acting star has cancer

“I still have good reason to believe that I will not have to start my final journey any time soon…”

Fritz Wepper (79) wrote hopefully about his state of health in his book “An Eternal Moment”.

Current Biography:

Current biography: In “An Eternal Moment” (304 pages, 20 euros, published by Heine) Fritz Wepper also writes about his end.Photo: Penguin Random House

For almost a year the popular actor (“For Heaven’s sake”) has been fighting metastatic black cancer with his head held high.

Vaper is celebrating his 80th birthday on Tuesday. Perhaps in the rehabilitation clinic in Bad Eibling (Bavaria). According to BILD’s information, Wepper’s recovery should proceed.

It is celebrated on television. In his honor, BR will show the moving documentary “My Fritz – A Personal View of Fritz Vaper” shot by his wife Susan (47) on Monday at 10 pm.

Susan Kellerman has been married to Fritz Wepper since 2020

Susan Kellerman has been married to Fritz Wepper since 2020Photo: Ursula Duren / dpa

In it, she offers a very personal insight: how she and her brother, actor Elmer (77), play puppet theater for their youngest daughter, Philippa (9). Visited the bus stop where he was born.

Fritz Wepper and his youngest daughter Philippa in Italy

Fritz Wepper and his youngest daughter Philippa in ItalyPhoto: Bayerischer Rundfunk

Try Tra Trulla: Drama Brothers Fritz (left) and Elmer Wepper play puppet theater in the living room

Try Tra Trulla: Drama Brothers Fritz (left) and Elmer Wepper play puppet theater in the living roomPhoto: Bayerischer Rundfunk

And finally, how the actor, apparently moved, goes to the family grave – where he wants to bury himself!

In his book Wepper writes: “My final resting place has long been decided upon, it is our family grave on the Winthierfriedhof in Munich-Neuhausen. I have made a will, which is considered important to me. “

Vepper's ancestors are buried in the family grave.  Like his mother Wilhelmine, who died in 2019

Vepper’s ancestors are buried in the family grave. Like his mother Wilhelmine, who died in 2019Photo: Bayerischer Rundfunk

How he wishes to be buried is also public and is visible through his wife’s film. “I want to be buried in my black kimono that I wear to meditate. I would like to wear a Buddhist bracelet with wooden beads on my wrist. Both symbols of letting go.”

Fritz Vepper finds strength while meditating.  he even wants to be buried in his kimono

Fritz Vepper finds strength while meditating. he even wants to be buried in his kimonoPhoto: Bayerischer Rundfunk

Vepper also had to let go of his faithful companion, the Deutsch-Drahthaar man Aron. The hunting dog recently succumbed to cancer at the age of 12.

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