Handelsblatt analyzed the data and spoke to founders, investors and bankers to find out how Germany’s 36 unicorns really are.
(Photo: Forial)
- While there is still plenty of venture capital out there for founders, changing interest rates and the economic downturn are making financiers more selective.
- Fresh capital is only available to companies that can demonstrate a reliable path to profitability – or are working on truly revolutionary growth.
- Handelsblatt analyzes and evaluates the future prospects of all German unicorns.
The excitement surrounding the rise of the German start-up scene last year was so great that hardly anyone saw how it ended. According to the PitchBook database, a total of ten startups in Germany are set to become unicorns in 2021.
When a company is valued at least one billion euros by its investors, it is said to be visible.
>> read here: With unicorns, profitability now matters rather than fantasy
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