Game update video shows changes and additions

Game update video shows changes and additions

Civilization VI Community Update April 2021 Game update video with changes, adjustments and additions.

Firaxis has released a new game update video for Variations, Adjustments and Civilization VI which will be included in the final free game update in April. The update will be released on Thursday, April 22 and Wednesday, April 21 at 8:00 pm, Cest will host a community livestream before the release of Firaxis.

With all the content for Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass released, this month’s update has the ability to modify existing civilizations and adapt them to the latest leaders, many of which are based on player feedback. In addition, the April update has three brand new units available for all civilizations, two new maps with a true starting point, and optimized AI balance for the Navy, increasing the risks when traveling on the high seas.

After introducing a large number of new leaders and civilizations in recent months, the team has re-analyzed existing civilizations including Spain, Khmer, China, De Mapuche, Canada, Georgia and others to guarantee the best possible balance Can go See the next patch note for full details.

The April update includes three brand new units for all civilizations – Line Infantry, Landsnatch and, by popular demand, Tribok. Since each of these units changes the speed of the unit in some areas, we have re-analyzed the strength of the unit overall and made various modifications. In this way, the new units act as a properly weighted correction, while at the same time compensating for the differences already present in the war.

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For all fans of the real starting point, the April update includes one true starting point on the Mediterranean map and another on a giant map. AI has also been adapted to make better use of naval units. This will give players even more interesting options in terms of naval production and warfare.

As part of the Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass content development strategy, the April game update will be the final in a series of many free updates available to all. Civilization VI To give.

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