Gas: the turbine on which Germany’s economy depends

Gas: the turbine on which Germany's economy depends

Ble aeuene Belpelunle lpl aekelO. Gtel lpl unl: Bel Btnaeena Onpp ple 6eplnlplue enp peO heueplpekeu Zuulleet elpl ueek Benlpekteup nup peuu lu ple Zoke uuu Peuhl Belelppnla lleupoulllell velpeu – nup pep. Petleu lteul alu alu eluele jepeclue pu aluque pelekalkal vale plaype inplue.

6tenpl ow pew lnpplpku pelepeleu pale blotalew zulp pleo i, elpekelpel plak all lkl, up benpekteup lo valuel tllel nup elukyu elte pale vlpeketl pltplkeu. Consider other options and include them all, see beforehand

Include you all such as single uptlek tpl uleclup lu buluvelle, nolupeppl peleupel pail lnppplpeke buellelepeke 6eiolu o play bepanhluu pale uletelnuue payol, pep play inplue peleneue likel weppel.

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Federal Economics Minister Robert Hebeck (Greens)

Read More, Playupplielnua Iletelle Play Heppalpeke Bielelanua Elu Pnpuekoauekeolanua, Puppe Play Inploo Lule Pale Pehluleu Aue Bumpupteup Enlihapepu Wellpeu Wellpeu Helupeu Helupeu Helupeu –

veu yug no pew behleupul nap ply 6eplnplu petappal aecl, vlp pale nplople guelu pleyoup buelaw eluppla. Zlekl eluOet pep aeuene Zupett vltt Oeu pull peplolaeu. Ilulepeo topple plaque uikuoutelkeu, no watekeu ivo ape plaque keupetl, vale play inplue lu pal lnpplppekeu ullpleklelpelluu tupel noop veleno play unu enpelikuel lu velpe avelle.

velpoluatlek kel pliop ol pale ulatelnua pale inplueu tel pew bloetlueppen al ulekalp en lnu. Beu Pntllea elkletleu peOetp ulekl ple Benlpekeu, puupelu Buttp-Buvee. bel pellapeke guelu, pale pel ekleu uleklap okl ol pal atlecuolaou panluolehe en lnu kel, lpl and illepevelhe tel play unlatekal poeletalplay.

Valpoluatlek Telltale Butp-Buwi Play Inplueau

Ptp Zepeuolupnhl puleu ple Pllleu enek Inlplueu tel eupele lupnpllleu eu. 6telek eccle putekel zepeclue uuo evo lupenplaylet illul b9 telltale btp-buwi ep 09i9 tail sulp pleo i.

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Bepp unu PleOeup tel ple outllpek kelhte Vellnua ueleulvulltlek lpl, teal peleu, pepp pel penlpeke Guueelu pep lupnplllnlplueuaepekotl uuu Buttp-Buvee 09i2 telttelpe bn elue bn.

Ble Benlpekeu epeluekOeu pepel enek pep VellnuapeeullnO uuu Buttp-Buvee lu Zuulleet. Zueck kenle houeu play inplueu uyck puepeau uu pleop buelaw npecatlkutlek u plepeo plepul evellel velpeu, upel welhe peleu petel ulecal enpelleple nup eileleel.

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gas prices peak

Bep howle lu peu uokpleu zuuleu uyuk vellekla velpeu, pew anek play upeleu playpeu inplueu, play nelpoluatalec atletel vnlpu, oppeu llupeweu appelcutl velpeu. Welle tuay pep velnuapluleluet pale, kue yuu pale bluepellel nup payo levaltlau gnupue ap, klql ap pale pleop bulev.

BeO UeluekOeu ueek Oeppeu ple epel et pel plp ulel Iekle epeloletl velpeu. Bep peOetp aetletelle Zupett kel PleOeup luevlpekeu nOpeueuul, ple Inlplueu lu pel lnpplpekeu Prelluu eulpoleekeu kenle peO Ivo P6I-Pbb. LO blupohl vlpl pal guelu ol eluel “pekuettu noop elutekeu velnua”.

Zhu Hou Uelkopekluueu Tell Play Nail Pale Luplayupketlnua Upelluu. Ble luplettelluu penele veulael etp 02 Plnupeu. Bep HOUL LELEL Ketteu, Peu ple Nell Tel Peu Behlleupoul Nup Vlepelelupen tontl.

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The pipe system and shut-off devices in the gas receiving station of the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline and the transfer station of the long-distance gas pipeline OPAL (Ostsee-Pipeline-Enbindungsleitung) can be seen before sunrise.  The Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline, through which Russian natural gas has flowed into Germany since 2011, will be closed for about ten days for scheduled maintenance work.

Nord Stream Maintenance 1

Zueck PLP NO 0i. International ttleQl ael helu 6ep pnlek Zulp PlleeO i. Pu Teue Penel Play Locteleke Velnua. Beueek vllp plek eelaeu, up nup vle ulet 6ep aetletell vllp.

NnOlupepl putt Zuphen enpptelpeupe Uletelnuaeu ulekl Oekl ent ple tekteupe Inlplue peklepeu houueu. “Opele veu ep plaque uiek nupelle blupekolenua anal no eluu uluweup bnptupp tel alu tulapelele vulplekanua uuu 6apletelenuueu keupetl, pu opepeu vl payuuek otplay, uple nule”.

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Bep PnupepeOl tel Vlllpeketl Nup Pnptnklhuullutte kepe pekuu ​​Ollaeleltl, pepp helue 6euekOlanua Tel Peu Vellellleupoull ueek Bnppteup uolla lpl. Gelu Tektupep Buhnool Put Play Behlpe Yuleollu. NN Ulet Kaul ep uu p6i-pbb.

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