George Shultes: Former US Secretary of State has died at the age of 100

George Shultes: Former US Secretary of State has died at the age of 100

the former Republican US Secretary of State George Schultz has died. He died on Saturday at the age of 100. It was announced by the Hoover Institution – a think tank of the famous Stanford University, which houses Schultz.

Shultz graduated from elite Princeton Universities and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Under the chairmanship of Richard nixon He became Labor Minister in 1969, then Budget Director in the White House, then Finance Minister. In March 1974, Schultz resigned to avoid falling into the quagmire of the Watergate affair – the scandal surrounding the headquarters break-in Democratic PartyWhich forced Nixon to resign in August 1974.

Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan

Schultes was under the then US President since 1982 Ronald Reagan foreign Minister. He held the post till 1989. One of his most important achievements as foreign minister was his diplomatic successes, which ended Cold war has contributed. After leaving in 1989, he remained as a strategist for the Republican Party. He also taught international economics at Stanford University.

Former republican secretary of state Condoleeza rice Shultz was recognized as a “great American politician” and a “true patriot” who “made the world a better place.”

Icon: Mirror

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