“Get rid of them all!”: Trump announces revenge campaign

"Get rid of them all!": Trump announces revenge campaign

“Get rid of them all!”
Trump announced revenge campaign

From roland peters

After the uprising in Washington, Donald Trump disappeared from the scene. He is now reporting prominently. He claims the leadership of the Republican Party for himself, he wants to punish infidelity.

Top candidates often step down after defeat, and Donald Trump’s defeat was not an easy one: two years ago, Republicans under his leadership lost a majority in the House of Representatives, then the White House and Senate. Came on 6 January, when supporters of the president still attacked the Capitol.

In the subsequent impeachment process in the Congress, the rift in the party became very clear. Conservative Trump skeptics are seeking ways out of the former president’s leadership claim, but his loyalty is against it. At the political conference CPAC, the “Supervisors of Conservatives”, the former president has now made it clear what he has concluded for the past few months.

“Do you remember me already?”, He sang the patriotic pop pathos “I’m Proud to Be American” after an audience speech in the US state of Florida. This is followed by an hour and a half of restful, confident speech. Trump outlines his perceived successes, outlines his claim to Republican leadership with the numbers, and names his opponents in his party.

“I am not starting a new party,” the former president says. This will only weaken conservatives as they divide their votes. Instead, he announces a revenge campaign to unite the Republicans. He deftly states his personal agenda in line with the party’s traditional goals. He also explicitly states that he intends to run again in 2024: “” I will fight on your behalf.

Republicans will take the House and Senate with them. “And then a former Republican president would return victorious to the White House.” In elimination of the cheers of the attendees, he asks: “Who will it be?”

“America Unconditional”

In particular, Trump lists party colleagues in Congress who voted for impeachment against him. It sounds like a public condemnation list. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, the “warmongers”, as he calls Parliamentary Group Number 3 in the House of Representatives, are particularly boo. “You’ll get rid of them in the next election,” he demands: “Get rid of them all!”

Trump announced that he would actively participate in election campaigns and support candidates as strong leaders are needed. Audiences hear “USA” chants.

Trump is also calling for penalties for big tech companies. “It’s time to divide big technology,” he says, asking Republican states to punish companies like Twitter, Google and Facebook for prohibiting free speech.

Twitter was banned from the election process by Twitter for repeated false accusations. It is a general accusation by conservatives in the United States that they are no longer allowed to say what they want. On stage you can read about Trump’s head: “America without reading”.

Trump returned his claim to lead with election results; Almost all the candidates supported by him have also won the mandate in the past. “My support is the most important asset,” he claims. And of course, in his opinion, the election against Joe Biden was not lost at all. He lists various statistics that speak against it. His election fraud charges were dismissed in several court rulings. Trump says the Supreme Court should be “embarrassed” over it. He also called for electoral reform.

The former president behaves like an actual opposition leader in his speech, even though he does not hold any official ceremony. He criticizes the policies of the new government and opposes it with his reign and Republican goals.

Big support for Trump

Biden had a catastrophic incident in the first month, he criticizes. The new president has simplified illegal immigration, halted construction of the wall and deportation. Trump warned, “They don’t know what to expect. They will be visited by millions in thousands.” He also claims the rapid development of vaccines, which his government has supported with billions of dollars.

He is sharply critical of the United States’ re-entry into the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement. Again and again he calls for the party to stand firm. “We are stronger than you. We are (…) harder than you. In the end you will win.”

Because of his widespread electoral support, Trump’s influence among Republicans remains immense. Of those who participated in the CPAC, 95 percent said the Republican Party should continue Trump’s policies. 68 percent were in favor of Trump’s candidacy in 2024. For Trump, this means Republicans are united. The rift in the party only exists in the case of “Scribbler in Washington”.

Viewers thanked him at one point with “We Love You” chants, such as had appeared during his campaign last year. There are many people, Trump seems to flatter. He said he was honored that it was something special that no other Republican president had experienced.

And then, at the end of their performance, the “YMCA” sounds from Village People. The same was the case with his campaign performance last year. Trump continued on his first major appearance in weeks as if he was guaranteed a victory if the party united behind him. As if he had not done so last year – and then lost.

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