A situation that each of you has probably experienced before: you are standing somewhere in the middle, filming the blue sky (because that’s how you do it), and suddenly a giant moon appears on the horizon, The sky is literally running, even alarmed by the sound effect for a minor solar eclipse and then disappears. Glad you filmed it with your cell phone as undeniable proof!
One such video is currently being shared rapidly on WhatsApp:
It is said to have been shot inside the Arctic Circle between Canada and Russia, a known impact that occurs at perigee (the point where the Moon is closest to Earth).
However, this is complete nonsense, the video is a CGI work of art – and is even available as NFT!
The video was already airing in November/December 2021 and Has been made Diverse Feather youtube uploaded,
It first gained wide traction in May 2021 when a Kenyan politician shared it with the words “Glory to God’s own creation”:
However, it was not God who created this giant moon… it was A CGI artist named Alexei Petrevwhich offers its “Supermoon” video as NFT for around €400 (see Here,
Alexei already announced on May 30, 2021 on TwitterTo offer your Giant Moon CGI artwork for sale on the NFT Platform:
on your Instagram account There are more videos from the CGI artist, including some of his best creations in a youtube video To see:
The video is not up to date and was not made between Russia and Canada, but on the computer of CGI artist Alexei Petrev.
Also interesting:
A spiral clearly visible in the sky – a sight that might be straight out of a certain horror manga! But how did she get there?
Uzumaki? Mysterious spiral in the sky!
Information: This material reflects the current status at the time of publication
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