Gie .en a place to talk and learn

Gie .en a place to talk and learn

Now Giessen has digital learning rooms. There, students who lack technology or do retreats at home can work in peace and you can hear them.

With a long sigh, the young man comes back to the chair. He lowered his arms and patted Johannes Gisler: “He who does not want to get into my head, will soon burst.” And a mouth guard. Then he says: “Come on, let’s take another form.” Gessler works in the district center. One of the seven digital learning rooms, which opened in December in the city in collaboration with the school social work agency “Gian @ Skull”, the school administration office and agencies responsible for the district and youth centers. One more is to be added (see below). The school’s director, Astrid Ibellasser, says: “It is a component through which we judge with a small group of children and adolescents who might otherwise be left behind.” She emphasizes: The proposal cannot replace school lessons.

When schools had to be closed during the first lockout, one thing became clear: educational opportunities for digital learning are reversing even further. Some children and teenagers do not have a laptop. Others do not have their own rooms and cannot retreat to work. It is difficult for teachers to reach this group. Accordingly, schools are happy about the proposal. Head of the Comprehensive School at Giessen-Ost, Drs. For example, Frank Rauber repeatedly recommends that school children go to study halls.

Gie Gen can build on established networks in the social sector. These too have proved themselves now. Learning rooms should be accessible close to home. Since there is an overlap between the target groups of district and youth centers and learning rooms, the question of location was quickly clarified. No youth works in households during the epidemic; There are enough rooms They are equipped with the necessary technology so that digital learning can take place here.

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Contact with the Teacher Education Center was also established during the first lockout. From there the city underwent an investigation into whether student teachers could help with emergency care in schools. When digital learning rooms were designed, students could quickly be recruited as freelance workers – after job interviews and police clearance certificates were presented.

Hannah Dubbeld directs locations for Gie @en @ Schule with 22 student volunteers. They are divided into district teams. This should ensure a relationship of trust between the learner and the supervisor. Fifth grade children and teens can register on the Internet at There is an allocation plan for each facility. You can see if there are still empty spaces. Giessen has 30 locations in the morning. If a space is occupied for an hour, 90 children and young people can use the offer in a day, says Iballisestar.

Loose frame

There is space for five students at the same time in the north city center. He is supervised by Gisler and a student this morning. They help children and young people dial in video conferences, download their assignments or answer questions about the topic. “But first and foremost, we’re right there,” Gessler says. Relationship tasks often focus: talking to each other, asking how children and young people are doing. This is the reason why supervisors keep in touch with teachers. The main thing is to reach out to and support so many students in this extraordinary situation that has been going on for almost a year.

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Many children and youth say Dubbeld and Gessler. This is partly due to the loose frame; There is no mandatory attendance. Still, a girl tells the 29-year-old supervisor when she packs her things. On the other hand, it is also about society. Gisler tells of a boy who told him that he really wants to go to school again.

A 17-year-old boy, bent over his work documents in a room, says: “Here in the group, I can study better and I don’t distract myself.” Three places next to him are 15-years old. -old girl; She was born in Iraq and says her German is not good yet. So she needs help, which she is getting here. At the other end of the table is a 15-year-old boy who says in a low voice: “I don’t have a computer at home and can’t work.” He then sees the supervisor and two other youths. People say more: “And I like the openness here. I can also talk to other people. “

Learning rooms are located in youth and district centers.

Jocus Gian

Community work west

Walter Meeting Center 3


Community Work Owl Head

North city center

Visek Youth Center

Another location is to be added to the wooden palace in the northern western part of the city. A study room on the Grünzber Straw was closed due to insufficient occupancy.

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