“Give room for color in the heart of the city” – Emmdingen

"Give room for color in the heart of the city" - Emmdingen

Monica Balte opens a gallery in the former campus of the city’s pharmacy.

. At the opening of her gallery on the former campus of the City Pharmacy, Monica Balte greeted friends and passers-by, as well as seeing Emmyaddingan Mayor Stephen Schlatter in a good mood: “My photos eventually air, light and bring many viewers Prakar is happy. “The artist quoted a friend who wrote to him that” he had given a place to paint in the heart of the city “. Baltes said that she thanks her husband for the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition in these rooms. “We cleaned and painted here; there was a lot to do.”

At the opening, the Balites reported that like many people, they thought during lockdown what they needed, what the world wanted from them. He admitted the doubt, questioned himself. He examined his values ​​and took refuge in nature. But, as often, he has drawn his strength from paint. Because she is inspired by color and excited, she gives up her craving. According to him, this would be the foundation of life’s nectar and his painting according to the artist, who reports that in this way new places, new expansions, new places of longing arise. “This visual impact and relationship that emerges between the work and me, and if I’m lucky, even among new audiences, is usually very intense and emotional.” Mayor Schlatter came by bike to congratulate him: “Great idea that these rooms are filled with works of art that radiate a lot of light, color and warmth.” Monica Balte can use this space until the construction of the Loewenter project begins.

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