Biden lets non-whites ‘vote first’
In Iowa, Joe Biden fared poorly in the 2020 presidential primary. Things were going better in South Carolina then
Source: Reuters
Iowa has always been a focus of the US Democratic presidential nomination. This is where the primaries traditionally started. But because predominantly white people live there, the party is now changing that and launching a race in South Carolina. More African Americans live there.
aAt the urging of incumbent Joe Biden, US Democrats are changing their calendar to determine their candidate for the 2024 presidential election. The first thing to vote is South Carolina, instead of Iowa and New Zealand, as Hampshire has always been, according to a decision made by the responsible party committee on Friday. According to Biden, he wants to give more attention to African Americans.
“Black voters have been the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades, but they have been pushed back in the primary process,” Biden said. African Americans and other non-whites should now have “a louder and earlier voice”.
However, the background to the move could also be that Biden suffered losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada at the start of the party’s early votes for the 2020 presidential election. Only a clear victory in South Carolina restarted his flagging campaign. According to his own statements, the president is toying with a fresh candidacy in 2024, but has yet to announce it.
Significantly, more African Americans live in South Carolina than in white-majority Iowa and New Hampshire, where the months-long primary process always begins for the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.
Should Biden not run again, his Vice President Kamala Harris could also benefit from the shift in the primary election calendar as a Black person in the running for candidacy.
According to the calendar now presented, the primary for Democrats in South Carolina is to be held on February 3, 2024. The election of the next President of the United States of America will be held on November 5, 2024. Former President Donald Trump has announced to the Republicans that he intends to run for the nomination.
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