Glasgow: Spontaneous opposition – “leave our neighbors alone”

Glasgow: Spontaneous opposition - "leave our neighbors alone"
foreign Authorities prohibit deportation

Spontaneous protests in Glasgow – “leave our neighbors alone”

13.05.2021, Great Britain, Glasgow: Lawyer Amer Anwar speaks while protesters protest against deportation of two men.  After violent protests from local residents, the deportation was halted.  Photo: Andrew Milligan / PA Wire / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++ 13.05.2021, Great Britain, Glasgow: Lawyer Amer Anwar speaks while protesters protest against deportation of two men.  After violent protests from local residents, the deportation was halted.  Photo: Andrew Milligan / PA Wire / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Lawyer Amer Anwar speaks while protesters oppose deportation of two men

Source: dpa

“Leave our neighbors alone, let them go,” shouted the protesters on Kenmore Street in Glasgow Street. The crowd of protesters was so large that the Scottish Police suspended the planned deportation of two people in Glasgow.

I amThe campaign is celebrated on the Internet under hashtags such as #Glasgow and #KenMartak: After violent protests from residents, the deportation of two people in Scotland has been halted.

On Thursday, a migration authority vehicle was stopped in Glasgow city by about 200 protesters. A person lay under the car to prevent him from leaving. Again The “Scotsman” pointed out, The protesters shouted slogans like “Leave our neighbors alone, let them go” and “Policemen, go home”.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon and his Justice Minister Hamza Yousaf heavily criticized the action by the British Home Office. The “hostile environment” of the British government is not welcome in Scotland, Joseph tweeted.

The moment both people were released

The moment both people were released

Source: dpa

There was also a sit-in

There was also a sit-in

Quell: Henry Ryan via Rains

A view of kenmore street

A view of kenmore street

Source: dpa

The Scottish Police is not involved in deportation, but with a large number of forces, Finally ordered the release of two men. This should ensure their safety and health along with the protesters. One of the men, 36-year-old Lakhveer S, is from India. He told the PA news agency that he was overwhelmed by the support.

The protesters – many of them students, have a university in Glasgow – said they were particularly angry about the planned exile times, as told by a young artist named Lotte to the Scotsman: “It’s a terrible thing every day , But it is ten times worse because it is Eid Mubarak. ”Eid Mubarak is the day of breaking the fast in Muslim faith.

Initially there was no response from the Home Office in London. The PA reported that Secretary of State Kevin Foster’s office canceled all agreed interviews for the day.

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