GMail: New interface rolling out for private users

GMail: New interface rolling out for private users

The design update for GMail was originally intended to be rolled out only for Workspace users – now private users have access as well. We’ll show you what’s changing.

A few days ago, Google announced the rollout of the new GMail design. Actually, it should only come for users of Google Workspace. However, the redesign is now underway for the first users, including private, Outside. The new interface integrates more applications and seeks to present itself as a hub for various communication tools. So the biggest change is a new panel for Google Application,

IEasy navigation through various Google apps?

We’re introducing a new, unified view for Gmail, making it easy to move into a unified space between important applications like Gmail, Chat, and Meet.

but says Vertical Blog, The left navigation bar is divided into two separate panels. A screenshot of the new design shows the changes.


After the update, on the left is a slimmed down version of the current bar. Five buttons provide access to the main menu, Mail, Chat, Space, and Meet. Some chat bubbles can be selected in the bottom left. Notifications, for example, in Google Chat, are also displayed directly in Gmail. Clicking on the buttons opens the respective collapsible and expandable submenus for the mentioned regions. Clicking on the main menu closes or opens the sub-menu bar.


On the right is a bar with direct access to other Google apps like Calendar, Notes or Contacts. Additional shortcuts can be added if necessary. This means that users who only use Gmail as a mail program may in the future be overwhelmed by the abundance of applications. Inbox has to be searched first.

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how to activate new design

Users who already have access to the new design can activate it after the roll-out as follows:

  1. Click on Settings in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “Try a new Gmail theme” under Quick Settings.
  3. Refresh the newly opened window.

Firstly, users who don’t like the new design can switch back to the same one. However, at the end of the second quarter of 2022, the redesign should become the default setting, for which there is no option.

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