Google Apps crashes due to incorrect updates

Google Apps crashes due to incorrect updates

It occurs repeatedly that updates cause problems. In the most recent case, several Android apps have been affected, some of which simply crashed or didn’t even want to start.

At the beginning of the week, there were increasing reports on the Internet that apps were crashing more and more on Android smartphones. The reason for this is a faulty update that was released by Google through the Play Store.

Apps crash due to Google service

All smartphones that have access to Google apps are known as Google services. Services are preinstalled and are an integral part of the operating system, so they cannot be uninstalled. However, Google still plays updates through the Play Store, in this case.

The service that received a faulty update is the Android system web view. Android apps use it to display content from the Internet. It also explains why no specific applications were affected. They were affected by Gmail, Chrome, banking apps and other problems. We also had problems with the YouTube app itself, which just crashed, and a game that wouldn’t even load.

Google started working on a solution to the problem on the night of 23 March. On Workspace page The company has described the process in detail. Meanwhile, the Android system WebView has received an update, which is affected Download it from play store can do. There is also a Chrome browser for Android an update is available. In both cases, just follow the link and click “Update” to install the bug fix.

Android App Crash
Defective updates for WebView can be uninstalled in the Play StorePhoto: TECHBOOK

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Application Crash – What to do?

In the case of the WebView service, which causes apps to crash, the solution is quite simple. Affected people can only uninstall faulty updates, before being available to download bug fixes from Google. To do this, search in the Play Store “Android System WebView“And select the application from the search results. You can use the options for this Play store link result. Click on UninstallTo uninstall all updates, including the faulty one.

You can try the same process if only one preinstalled app crashes. With these apps it is possible to uninstall updates via the Play Store. The process works a little differently for self-installed apps. Because the deinstallation here leads to the fact that an app disappears completely. However, there is a way to undo recent changes to the app. To do this, go to the point in Android Settings Apps (Also on some devices Show all applications Click). Find the affected app in the list and open it. Now choose option Memory and cache And click on clear cache.

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