Google honors physicist Stephen Hawking on his 80th birthday

Google honors physicist Stephen Hawking on his 80th birthday

Stephen Hawking would have turned 80 today. Google has paid tribute to the scientist with a doodle and a video in which Hawking’s familiar computer voice can be heard.

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking would have turned 80 today. For this reason, Google has published a doodle with the face of a scientist on its search engine homepage. hiding behind it two and a half minute video, In which the computer-generated voice of the physicist tells about his life.

Hawking’s digital voice was one of the scientist’s most recognizable traits. He lost his voice due to an illness which made him almost immobile during his life. Hawking’s disease did not prevent him from doing research and traveling extensively.

In 1974 Hawkings became known as a scientist because he discovered that particles could escape from black holes. This theory, known as Hawking’s radiation, is considered his most important contribution to physics.

This groundbreaking research earned him the Lucasian Chair in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge in 1979, also conducted by Isaac Newton. It is considered one of the most prestigious university chairs in the world.

Hawking was considered a pop star of science and also dealt with popular topics such as time travel and aliens. His book “A Brief History of Time” has sold millions of copies.

Google Doodle for Stephen Hawking's 80th Birthday (Source: Google)Google Doodle for Stephen Hawking’s 80th Birthday (Source: Google)

Hawking wrote in his autobiography that his life was good and happy. And with an encouraging message, Hawking’s digital voice also says goodbye in Google’s video: “Be brave, be curious, persevere and overcome all odds. You can do it.”

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Stephen Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76 after living with his condition for more than half a century. The astrophysicist’s ashes were buried in Westminster Abbey, London, between the tombs of Newton and Darwin.

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