Google will delete many accounts from June, but users can still trade

Google will delete many accounts from June, but users can still trade

Google gives a wide jolt and confronts its users with some innovations. Selected accounts will be deleted and free storage will be restricted.

Dortmund / California – According to a survey by Statista, about 97 percent of all Germans use Google as a search engine on their smartphones. The US-based Gmail email service ranks third in Germany in the mail providers’ rankings. But now Google has announced some changes – similar to WhatsApp’s new terms and conditions – should not please all users.

Technology company Google llc
the headquarters Mountain View, California (USA)
The establishment 4. September 1998
Popular services UA Maps, Earth, YouTube, Gmail

Google announced major changes from June 2021 – inactive accounts will be deleted

The following still applies: Google is one of the most popular technology companies. Only two percent of Germans do not use Google’s services. Therefore, the changes announced by the group for June should be of interest to many users.

Google announced that it would remove several inactive accounts from Tuesday (June 1) and significantly reduce storage limits for photos, videos and other files. However, customers can still protect themselves by deleting the account.

Google Gmail, removes accounts from Google Photos or Google Drive

Similar to WhatsApp, Google announced in late 2020 that it would change the user’s terms. They will come into effect from June 1, 2021. If you do not use your Google account too much, you should immediately check if you are affected by the changes.

Because Google reserves the right to remove inactive accounts from next Tuesday (June 1). Specifically: “If you have been inactive in Gmail, Drive or Google Photos for 2 years (24 months), we may remove content in inactive products (after appropriate advance notice).” Information from Google Help Center Emerge.

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Major changes to Google since June 1, 2021: the group takes action against full storage space

Users who have not used their account little or no at all till now, should not be affected by it. However, deletion can also affect users with active accounts. Because the group also wants to delete files that exceed the storage capacity of the mentioned services.

It continues: “If you have exceeded your storage quota for two years, we can store your content in Gmail, Google Drive (including files in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawing, Google Forms and Jamboard) Reserve the right to save. And delete Google Photos. “Also, none of the mentioned services can upload new files (more.) Digital news On RUHR24).

Google will delete accounts from June: Users can still trade

However, Google is indulgent. The company says that users who have not yet exhausted their storage capacity and “manage accounts properly” will not be affected by the measures. The company also mentions two ways customers can still save their accounts or their data:

  • Users have the opportunity to “actively use the product and thus avoid deleting their data”.
  • For example, customers still have time to download content from Google services and save it elsewhere on the computer.

Customers with inactive accounts or full storage space should therefore work quickly if they still want to save their files. Otherwise there will be a rude awakening from June 1 if many photos, documents or e-mails suddenly disappear. However, inactive users are unlikely to notice this.

Google Drive will soon become Google One – and then cost some for some users

© joko / buildgentur-online / dpa

Google prohibits any other service: free storage is limited

Incidentally, the reason for all the changes is the technology giant’s new storage guidelines. Because they not only provide for the removal of inactive Google accounts, but also provide a stricter limitation of the storage capacity of Google services.

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Just six years ago, Google announced: “With Google Photos, you can now save and store any photo and video in high resolution for free.” But suddenly the company changed its mind and reduced or merged the quota.

Before June 1, users had unlimited storage space for photos – at least if they were not saved to the original quality, but with the standard setting “high quality”. From next week, these photos will also be counted in storage capacity of 15 gigabytes, on which every user has a free guarantee.

Google is full on storage? Users must expect deleted files and restrictions

Until now, 15 GB was applicable only to Gmail and Google Drive. Anyone who has saved a lot of photos on Google may have a sudden problem from June 1 and may face full storage space. Google will not immediately delete all files that are above the limit, but restrictions will still be felt.

E-mails can no longer be received and sent or new files can be uploaded. Many users then have to decide: either remove them, change providers or pay for expansion of storage capacity. With Google One, the group naturally has a suitable offer ready for its customers – but it can also be paid for.

New storage guidelines on Google: background of tech giants

Why is Google restricting storage capacity this way? In general, it seems that the American company is “cleaning up”. The “Google Play Music” service was discontinued in February – something that angered many customers. To make changes to the storage guidelines, Google calls as follows Sudeutsche Zitung two reasons:

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On one hand, the amount of data in Gmail, Google Photos and Drive is increasing by 4.3 million GB every day – pushing the group to its limits. Because Google not only stores the amount of data of its users, but also rents storage space to other companies, indexes hundreds of billions of websites for its search engine and wants to have enough storage space available for YouTube . On the other hand, Google wants to sell more and more subscriptions for its new Google One service. So it’s all about the money.

List of rubric lists: © Catherine Wybel / DPA; College: RUHR24

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