Grant program extended: Science should help small companies in Berlin – Berlin

Grant program extended: Science should help small companies in Berlin - Berlin

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Berlin should benefit from the science institutions and universities in Berlin and Brandenburg. This is why the “transfer bonus” funding program has been eleven years old.

Beginning in 2009, 900 applications have been received and eleven million euros in grants. Now the Senate Economic Administration has doubled the amount of money since the beginning of the year: from 3,000 euros to 7,500 euros.

What does the program bring? Economic administration is said to want to “strengthen the innovative capability of companies”. In particular, it means: If a small company has an idea for a new product, it can get expertise from universities and scientific institutions to optimize it and make it marketable. There is money for this again.

Interactive Scape GmbH from Mitte, founded in 2008, is today a leader in the field of multi-touch displays with object recognition.

The grants the company received enabled them to develop a new type of technology. This innovation laid the foundation for the company and its patented object recognition and multi-touch displays.

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The whole thing happened in collaboration with experts from TU Berlin. However, the Senate supports not only technology companies, but also social entrepreneurs.

Like Pranzlauer Berg from app developer Gratta and Starks: The company has specialized in applications for a barrier-free cinema and, to the best of its knowledge, “audio descriptions and subtitles for every performance – from smartphones only” Makes it accessible. Together with the BBW University of Applied Sciences in Charlottenburg, the company has developed data glasses and received grants for them.

One of Mite’s company develops multi-touch displays, the other is a pair of glasses for barrier-free cinema enjoyment

This makes it possible to read subtitles in the film’s image with augmented reality. Both foreign speakers and listeners benefit from it.

“Berlin is a city of science and a highly innovative medium-sized company. However, there is often a lack of appropriate personnel and funds for many ideas.

We close this gap with a transfer bonus, ”says Ramona Popp (Greens), economic affairs senator. It aims to bring together many small and medium-sized companies with scientific institutions.

The senator also gave information about the “Joint Action to Improve Regional Economic Structure” program or the increase of funding for GRWs.

As his administration calculated on Monday, 149 million euros were paid as “record funding”.

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From 2021 to 2023, 204 million euros are now in the pot for new permits. GRW is the most important economic development tool in Berlin. Half the amount is financed by the federal government and the state.

The money goes on one side to Berlin companies and their investment in new settlements or expanding existing locations.

On the other hand, investment is being made to improve business-related infrastructure, for example in bridges for better connections – with the aim of protecting jobs and creating new, future-oriented jobs.

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