Graphic Improvements on PS5 and XSX After Comparison of Patch 1.5

Graphic Improvements on PS5 and XSX After Comparison of Patch 1.5

From Norman Wittkopf ,
Cyberpunk 2077 has received a major update with Patch 1.5 along with improvements and bug fixes. These also bring a lot visually to the console.

Very widespread recently. after Cyberpunk 2077. patch for 1.5 Apart from bug fixes and other improvements, the PC version has also been released with graphical improvements.

Among other things, the update is known to offer limited ray tracing on the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, in addition to improved shadows and lighting. As far as resolution on next-gen consoles is concerned, 1440p is now the common standard on the Playstation 5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, while still maintaining dynamic resolution.

  • PS4: Dynamic 1,080p at 30 fps (typically 720p)
  • PS4 Pro: Dynamic 1224p at 30 fps (Normal 1080p)
  • PS5: Display Mode – Dynamic 2160p at 60 fps (typical 1440p); Retracing Mode: Dynamic – 2160p at 30 fps (1440p typical)
  • Xbox one: Dynamic 900p at 30 fps (Normal 720p)
  • Xbox OneX: Dynamic 1,440p at 30 fps (Normal 1,440p)
  • Xbox Series S: Dynamic 1,440p at 30 fps (Normal 1,440p)
  • Xbox Series X: Display Mode – Dynamic 2160p at 60 fps (typical 1440p); Retracing Mode – Dynamic 2160p at 30 fps (Normal 1440p)

In general, it is louder Found that the game now looks and runs better on every platform, but the game still suffers from some performance issues on PS4 and Xbox One. The most notable improvements, meanwhile, are said to be in game lighting and overall shadows, while the PS5 and Xbox Series X | There are also improvements to specific textures, distance rendering and anisotropic filtering on the S.

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