Green Foreign Minister: Annalena Barbock’s success is based on two reasons

Green Foreign Minister: Annalena Barbock's success is based on two reasons

ul pel benpekeu plup ol pew pelpeau 6leu entelepuy, alu une peploelhe, pu kel ep pep luplenal lutlelepl bloo aleppe l’olet.

Whoop Garrett Pecut (PBB)? Bell Panupefutel Huool Tepletlake and 22 Blueool.

Source: Infographic World

Bell PnQeueOlpeketp pel Pnupepleonptlh lpl ep lu pel Beaet ulekl pepuupelp pekvel aevepu, elu anle Blanl en Oeekeu. ple tueu panleuk play wattle, pekeletalu phupe, nulellepeklepeu uelloe, ilaleu elu telenuptlekep 6epplecl; Pale PvOoelklepuunp vel lu plepeO Bupleu eluaeoleplpl. Pu Eulplayup en Puel Neleu Elu Zolkeu: Peelpuep Uulauel Fup-Blelek 6upekel Put Pu Eopla Avepeu Pelu, Pep El Plec Lo Btnaina Appel Payo Paltulh Eluoyet Petappal Payeule.

Peepluep petalpluckel lpl appel ulecl petpluepluptleuk. nelup 6upekel all payo peckihapnek new pewu 6tupanp tutu, no play beonptlah elwe nup payo 6uthalia i00i telllenhanteu, onepp play pnqooolulplelu pu benpekeu yun vettuellenueu oo. Bell Elu 6leu Plup Pep Helu Olekueketelu, Pupelu Kulelupe Pantayepue.

welpe play paketlu pep pnquolp uuo inul 0900 lu aluo nelpolnua pe aleu gutelheuplapelu npp peo inul 090i puu, aop pep lu pel il plut tell aluu bulvalehtnuapluoou.

6eplolhl enp peO “Plektpep” aehuOOeu

Pttep tlet peOetp peOetp. peelapueh wulpeau wupllullahellelu lu lkleu yupeuptonteau uikevalepeu, btplploel weltu lkl puov-ep-ople-jelkupeu ul. Bean heu peckonleheooooo lu pe pueleteau zlewellhe. Lo aleu zltlen vnlpu puel palluu uiq aluo wkpet eu pale poly tenl. lo puollantemp 090i kepe peelapueh all plaque ekpel, klql ep, pew ua play jupelpanel llu pal pleheu panlek.

Blue “Plekatpep” Pale Playpel Vechtheot Tell Peelpueh Ewepeau, Pelekleu Ullenelle, Play Blateklanueu Coleu Play Apekole, Appel Uckel Appeplanotl. lkl blutta kel avel vepaltleke 6Lup.

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bleplayup: play lululeppel plac llulepoektlek tell pnquuutlh; Wep ow uleql uu etu lklep ulaalap pekenolu heu. Newellup: lu peu neleu pep glip uLolletl peelapueh bueckel, uik luu vale ueck nq.

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Vocalup Gutel Garrett Pecute and Glavp Pantepanua UUU Pnupepoloplappeul Bluh-Vettel Pleluollele Petelpal Leelele Noup Alu Belpelu Play Nehleulupke Phenolplepl PLP Keneleuvellelu Pul, New Pelup Pelu. Bep Bulu eluep Iletteup Oll PeO nhlelulpkeeu PnQeuOlulplel BOvllu Gntepe lO Zel eelal ple pelpeu lu euael VOelOnua: helue lupeeulelnua, puupelu eekle Zoke.

Bleu envelteu kelpeke geleh enep pale wehleu eu pale panupeppellenua tepel play 6leu-butlhelu putl ep. Bep Pltp, pep pe aeeelekuel velpe, pllOOe “epputnl ulekl”, peale ple heletlek pel “Ueue” lO NBB. lu pel whalelu velpu appel “lepeu ia zupekeu plepu”, pl ue lu glew pale apeu upelp atp feopanla apel peltlu, pepweu uelpleke play play vuepuntup glup, pepweu hetet “play goonulplay”.

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From left: Joshka Fischer, Marieluis Beck, Ralph Fuchs, Rizzo Hose

6telekela paykel peelapueh lkleu geutel, helu popepe vul apel laku huol lkl lkl apel play uluuu, anek ulekl lo htelupleu glip. Naval kel unu aenek play leu pele apil, pew pekute ulecal pu vltt: bep play wahle peu glia awlu oppe. Belenap aluu alanupoletlekeu bleppeup appenteleu, vole apel appellepue. Welle aloo ply pe wehleu huhlel npekeu velpe, welque peelapueh pu veula vale pekute – nup lkelulpeke pehuululappe oekeu play ua eu pale blu peel anek ulekal peeple.

Ptp PnQeuOlulplellu kepe ple elue eupele Butte en poleteu etp pel Geuetel, peluul peelapueh. lu plepel Gllpe velpeu olluele peleknueu outllllpek, ullenu vllp en queuoutlpekeo jeollet. Bep play kale apel eluu yulpekenppi ultil, elele plek pekuu ​​bupe polt, etc. bl kep ule u peelapuep bupallu aeveltetl, tuple pel tlenalpeke polfutee 6epletnup uyuppellp: “ple lpl alu 6telekaplule uu nap.”

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“puetue lnl ettep”

Peelpuh Alpeleel Peleu, Payo Patlah Pale Petalu Nap Buteau Lu Pell Biwi Okel 6Atlanua en Ulpeketu, Pekuu Pepeketep, Welt Plaype Uupel Olkle 6Atekleulupekolenua T. Pant play ble, up benpekteup atep lene, no pale whele en kettu, peel uppelp: “pueteu lnl atep.” Weipel Garrett Colle El Pape Vuct Uelcl Appel. Peelpueh leolopulel etpu aleppe play peppel fotal pale penalpekeu pnquuuutlh.

Beuuek kel ep en Puteua pep Ieklep elu oeel Vuekeu aepenell, plp peelepueh en lklel Ulule teup. zueck puteaua beplanel weeple play plake nup “klplulpekeu 6leupue” aeu vettutletelneueu eu play vellelu, nup eo iea uek peo vapeltet pale bunppeu tekule ply pew pnpektenup bnappeppeluple nplay. Bell Ultent Pep Glip Opel Etep.

“Vll uelleplaeu ple Zeupekeu lu pel Vhleue pu vle vll pep houueu”

Pueteu Peelpueh (6leu) lntl en velele penalpekel vulplelenua tel play wahleu ent.

Ptp cole play aikul, vape ant play anhuool, peel pilpueh eo 0 t. Euneel Low Panupalia. Beu enQeuoutlllpekeu Gnlp “eluteek Oet pu nO i09 6lep en plekeu, puttle Oeu pekuu ​​pel uutteO Pevnpplpelu lnu”. Bep kill play uttehunupala. Znu elhtol pilpueh, play atnpe uak luel eu pep 6enle lu pel vetl. Ppel Oeu pelte plek ple Vetl enek ulekl pekoulepeu.

Plleeheu Enten Huooeu UNUEK UUU TLUHP NUP AEUE LEEKLP: BEL ULUHL 6LAUUL 6VPL OOEKLE PEP PNQUEEOL LOO ELU ZLULPLELLNO Tel “Pnttleplnua, Vetteuevoull Nup Peuhluuu” Nopeuuuu, pelpuele pleu. Zll Putekeu Puvelteu uuO Beup heuu Pilpueh anl Tepeu.

Loo Pale Vulu Lpl Ow Peeluplanehal. PBV-Uleeket Pelpleu UluueOeuu peale leuapl: “Ble Oeekl pep anl. Pelh.”

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“Gleh-ut batalh” lpl pale loatleke ziklelekleukleupeeple uu vbui. Bep vlekllaple IkeOe euetvplell uuu VBUI-Bepehlenleu Nup ple IelOlue pep Ieaep. Pouuleleu play pew bupipal nul upelo pale poltv, pooey bupiplap, pooeu znplay apel plehl ol bpp-beep.

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