Green politicians want solar panels on Buckingham Palace

Expectations of Charles III. There are elders – even in the ranks of the Greens. The newly appointed king should give a clear signal for climate protection.

Andreas Schwarz, the leader of the parliamentary group of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg, has Charles III. Said to be the “King of Climate Conservation”. “Through Charles III, the royal family has the unique opportunity to bring the British monarchy into an era of climate protection,” Schwarz told news portal T-Online.

“The Queen already started this year to equip her Scottish estate, Balmoral Castle, with a photovoltaic system. Why shouldn’t Charles continue and build Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle solar power stations as well?” Schwarz suggested. “The sparkling photovoltaic system on the royal roofs in the middle of London – which would be a strong symbol for climate protection under the British crown.”

environmental thought leaders

Green statesman Schwarz refers to Charles’ commitment to the past. “As a prince, Charles was known for being an environmental thought leader. He was far ahead of his time. He supported organic farming, stood behind young climate activists and was disappointed that there was little on climate protection. was happening,” he said Black. “Now Charles III has the scepter in his hand and can show the world that he is a true king of climate protection.”

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