Greens looking for campaign recipes for rural areas

Greens looking for campaign recipes for rural areas

Another election campaign strategy for the East?

This should be taken into account when communicating during campaigning, says Saxon representative Kristin Furtenbacher. Greens stands for change and is meant to be communicated differently in the East than in the West: “Change is a concern at first. Nevertheless, it is important for us to initiate change, because in the decade to come They will be needed to give people the support they need, even in new federal states, who have had difficult experiences with changes in recent decades.” Its purpose is to state the plans with which the change should be made. “Because in the face of the challenges we are facing, it is dangerous to maintain the old one,” Furtenbacher says.

Bernhard Stengel, spokesman for the Thuringian Greens, now sees a smaller window for government involvement. The majority for this can be secured only if the focus is not only on the classic affluent and urban environment on weekends and during election campaigns.

The Greens Don’t Just Want to Address Their Customers

The green election program not only includes ideas for an energy and climate change, but also plans to support less prosperous areas and people in it, says Stengel: “All these compensations, which affect the ‘separate’ rural area. We should go ahead and be implemented. And we should be smart enough with the amendments so that it is just and not what scares the people.” This means that those who made even more radical demands, also Understand that “now we have to take people with us”. Otherwise you’ll lose out on years in which things can really move forward.

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To ensure that this does not happen to the party, it must first learn how to better sell its issues in rural areas. Because if you want to govern, you shouldn’t just address your customers, Stengel says.

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