GTA VI – Analysts release release notice

GTA VI - Analysts release release notice

when will appear GTA VI, This question has been asked for years, but Rockstar Games keeps pushing other projects. This is followed by the release of the PS5 and Xbox series. gta v release of GTA VI There will certainly be more delays.

There’s certainly no rush at Rockstar Games, which is why analysts now believe the title won’t appear in 2023/24. You can read this from the current forecast which expects significant revenue in the said financial year. It Might Actually Be Like On The Release Of A Big Title GTA VI indicate.

Accordingly, Cowen analyst Doug Kreutz has come to the conclusion that Take Two expects approximately US$9 billion in sales in the fiscal year, which is why here you are. “Potential launch of GTA VI” sees.

notes from the past

It was a similar sight for gta vWhere an initial commercial forecast also indicated the game’s release period.

“With its newly announced financial goals, Take-Two typed a release window for GTA V in 2011 into 2012 or early 2013 and then indicated a delay,” Creutz told Axios. “The game was delivered at the end of 2013.”


In this regard, this time it is also believed that Rockstar Games has at least one planned release date internally. It remains to be seen, of course, whether it remains to be seen. The continued success of the Will will certainly play a role in this as well. gta v And gta onlineWhich you will use as long as you can.

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It is possible that the current numbers have nothing to do with GTA VI In doing so, because with the recent acquisition of Zynga in the mobile space, Take Two has secured a vast source of income that could be clearly visible in 2023/24.

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