Michelin Guide 2022 published
There is a new starred restaurant in Düsseldorf
Head Chef Philip Wolter in Phoenix.
Photo: Bretz, Andreas (ABR)
Düsseldorf There are ten restaurants in Düsseldorf that have been awarded Michelin stars. It was so last year and remains so with the publication of the new edition of the Restaurant Guide. But: One restaurant is out of the stars, a new one.
Guide The new edition of the Michelin Restaurant Guide was published on Wednesday. Like every year, the top class restaurants were eagerly waiting for the results of the test eaters. Nothing has changed in the total number of award-winning restaurants in Düsseldorf; Ten gourmet temples are still allowed to adorn themselves with a star. But there was a change.
In the three-disc house “Phoenix”, with great pleasure, they were added to the ranks of top restaurants. “We’re really proud of this,” one happy employee said over the phone. Managing Director Tanja Wolter was not available at this time.
Info guide Michelin 2022 – All starred restaurants in NRW
Photo: DPA/Frank Rumpenhorst
Not so in “Fritz’s Frau Franzie” on Edersstrae which is not too far from Ko. There you have to do without the star in the future. Managing director Avi Hermann can well imagine the reason: “Our star chef Benjamin Kriegel has moved to Steigenberger. And his successor won’t arrive until the end of April.” That would be Tobias Rochol, who has previously cooked at Bad Neuenhar-Ahrweiler – also awarded a star.
“I can totally understand Michelin, you can’t rate a restaurant that doesn’t have a chef,” Hermann says. But she is confident that in the coming year Rochol will help “Frau Franzie of Fritz” get a star again.
In addition to the newcomer “Phoenix”, the following restaurants in Düsseldorf have again been awarded a Michelin star, as in the previous year: “1876 Daniel Dal-Ben”, “Agata”, “Bérens am Kai”, “Dr. Kosh”, “Im Schiffchen”, “Le Fleur”, “Nagaya”, “Setzkasten” and “Yoshi by Nagaya”.
Düsseldorf has thus defended its position with Cologne as a gourmet stronghold in North Rhine-Westphalia – with a slight edge to the cathedral city. Three of the four two-star restaurants are located directly in Cologne and in the nearby Bergisch Gladbach. There are also eleven one-star restaurants.
To rate the restaurant, international Michelin inspectors visit the restaurant anonymously. Incidentally, the environment has no role in the rating. According to the information, the star is purely a kitchen award. The focus is on the food. Testers visit the restaurant several times to determine whether the level has been maintained over a certain period of time.
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