Gwen Stefani: Super Bowl size was huge

Gwen Stefani: Super Bowl size was huge


Los Angeles (AP) – American singer Gwen Stefani (51) performed at the Super Bowl 18 years ago with her band No Doubt (“Don’t Speak”).

“Even today I can hardly believe that they chose us. It was really huge for me at the time, ”he told the German press agency. “I think I could have done a better job today.”

The musician was not a big football fan then. She turned up with her three sons. «I remember when I was in bed with my eldest and he said:” One day I will be a football star “. And I said, “I’m going to the Super Bowl”. “

This year’s final of the NFL Football League will be played on Monday night in Tampa (Florida). The Canadian superstar The Weeknd (“Blinding Lights”) handles the halftime show. Stephanie wants to watch the game in Los Angeles with her fiance Blake Shelton (44). He said, “He is passionate about football. We will definitely see… and eat… and drink, ”Stephanie continued.

The 51-year-old recently released his new single “Let Me Rintroduce Myself”. Her new album will be released later in the year.

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