Hamburg: Capital of Vitamin D Deficiency! , mopo


In a national comparison, most people in Hanseatic cities have a low supply of vitamin D. According to an analysis by Barmer Health Insurance Company, approximately 94,000 people in Hamburg are receiving medical treatment for vitamin D deficiency. This is about 5.1 percent of the population (countrywide: 2.9 percent). Accordingly, women are significantly more affected at 6.6 percent (3.9 percent nationwide) than men with 3.5 percent (1.9 percent).

Vitamin D is important for bones and metabolic processes in the body. Deficiency usually results from a one-sided diet or an increased need for nutrients in certain life or age situations. Our body actually produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. In winter it is even worse.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression

Nutritional deficiencies usually do not make themselves felt or only through general complaints such as fatigue or a high susceptibility to infection. Depressed mood may also occur. Vitamin supplements can help. However, before taking your treatment, you should first consult a doctor. It’s hard to get enough vitamin D through your diet, but: 10 to 15 minutes in the sun may be enough to stimulate vitamin D production.

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In Germany, older people belong to the risk group of nutritional deficiencies. However, many people lose their healthy sense of hunger, hunger and thirst in old age. In addition, with increasing age, more medication must be taken, which in turn can affect the absorption of nutrients. An underlying disease can also have a negative effect on nutrient supply.

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