Hamburger Energiewerke: Hamburg’s New Energy Supplier

Hamburger Energiewerke: Hamburg's New Energy Supplier

Municipal energy providers Hamburg Energy and Warm Hamburg merge – and on 1 January 2022 they will be Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH (HENW). The new company, with about 850 employees, is in Hamburg to rapidly shape the energy and heating transition, the environmental authority announced on Friday.

Environment Senator Jens Kersten (Greens) explained, “Hamburger Energiewerke will in the future be able to offer citizens a wide range of products from electric, gas and district heating to photovoltaics and solar thermal systems through energetic district solutions and local heating networks ” . And the Senator for Finance Andreas Dressel (SPD) emphasized that with the new name “reminiscences of the good old HEW are awakened, certainly not desired for some in Hamburg”.

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Hamburger Energiewerke Supplies 150,000 Customers

The Hamburgische Electrikats-Werke AG (HEW) was responsible for the electricity supply in the Hanseatic city for over 100 years. The city was involved from 1914 to 2002 – before it was taken over by the Swedish energy company Vattenfall. In the 2013 referendum on the repurposing of the energy network, a majority of hamburgers voted in favor of buying back the electricity, gas and heating networks.

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Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH (HENW) will supply electricity and gas to more than 150,000 customers from January and will distribute about 22 percent of Hamburg’s useful heat. The new company will be managed by Christian Heine, the previous managing director of Warm Hamburg – in future spokesperson for management – ​​and Michael Prinz von Hamburg Energy. As the new technical managing director, Schleswig-Holstein will replace Netz AG’s Kirsten Faust Michael Bekerit, who is leaving at the end of the year due to age reasons. (dpa/lm)

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