Hands-free speaking with limited space. Sächsische.de

Hands-free speaking with limited space.  Sächsische.de

Hoysarvada. These days, in the 26th year of the existence of GAF, the so-called spring in the Society for Education and Training (GAF mbH) in the industrial sector was acquitted, thanks to Sars-CoV-2 and CIDID-19. For the first time in exceptional circumstances. Representatives of the training companies were present via live stream, and whoever received the wind from the broadcast joined them.

Above all, these were the parents and friends of the newly skilled workers. Seven were officially informed, 14 were watching. Training manager Kay-Uwe Schollmeier stated at the outset that the “25-year GAF” anniversary celebration would unfortunately have to be canceled this year as well. But there was scope for acquittal only to a limited extent. GAF mbH is one of the educational institutes in the region with many years of experience in the field of industrial and technical vocational training. And so, despite the ban of the epidemic, all trainees passed their exams. Several factors contributed to this. The training manager named the trainers’ commitment, company collaboration colleagues, parents and friends of the trainees and of course, among other things, their tasks. “,” Said Kaye-Uwe Scholemeyer. “Today, our acquittal is one such solution.”

The last phase was more than complicated. Schollmeier’s personal bad word of the year: “distance education”. It started a good year ago and after about three months this winter came to an end with “face-to-face training”. For instructors, this meant a double burden: face-to-face training for exam preparation in the morning, and in the afternoon to ensure that trainees achieved their tasks in distance education. “None of our colleagues complained of additional costs or charges for additional work. We did this because it is our job. He said goodbye to a total of 14 young skilled workers. According to the circumstances, only nine persons can appear for acquittal. Your apprenticeships are Industrial Mechanics, Mechatronics Technicians, Electronics Technicians in Industrial Engineering, Electrical System Fitters and Cutting Machine Operators. They come in collaboration with the delegating companies Actemium BEA GmbH Schwarz Pump, Caminauer Kaolinwerke GmbH, EMIS Electrics GmbH Lübbenau, OI Germany GmbH & Co.KG Bernsdorf, Ortrander Eisenhütte GmbH in Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft eV, YADY GmbH. Klimakompressor GmbH Straßgräbchen and Zeibina-Kunststofftechnik GmbH Puschwitz.

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Solid training sets the course for the future. “Now the real part of your training begins,” said the training manager, addressing young skilled workers. “Every year in a job, you are rich in experience, with each additional qualification you and your company get extra value. Only when the cohesion in a company is so well coordinated that everyone is with each other Treats respect and equality. Later, they also want to like the 62 trainees who are currently learning at GAF.

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