Harald Schmidt About Vaccination Vortex: He’s Missing From “Trumpschiff” Shoot

Harald Schmidt About Vaccination Vortex: He's Missing From "Trumpschiff" Shoot

Because cult moderator Harald Schmidt (64) has not been vaccinated, he may have problems with future shootings for the ZDF series”dream shipTo receive. He is also not there at the moment.

Harald Schmidt explains the reason in a BILD interview now!

Background: 2G rules apply to the current shoots on “Tramschiff” which are on MS “Amadia” and MS “Artania” in Bremerhaven and Emden. Therefore travelers must be vaccinated or recovered.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case with Harald Schmidt! According to “Neur Zurcher Zeitung” he “has neither been vaccinated nor recovered”. However, Schmidt described this as an “assertion”, explaining only: “I am on a good and reasonable path to meet 2G.” This means: either he will be vaccinated soon or he believes that he will get sick (and hopefully the point to recover in some time).

schmidt and

Schmidt and the “Traumschiff” crew: Florian Silberesen (left) as Captain Max Pargar, Daniel Morganroth (second from left) as Staff Captain Martin Grimm, Colleen Ullmann-Fernandes (middle) as Dr. Jessica Delgado and Barbara Vuso (right) as Hannah LiebholdPhoto: ZDF and Dirk Bartling

Since he is not currently involved in the filming of the Dream Ship, rumors quickly arose about a “Dream Ship ban” for entertainment, which can still be seen in the series on New Year’s Day.

However, that decision was made independently of his vaccination status, Schmidt now explains when asked by BILD. “We discussed it together in a crazy group in Bremerhaven in August.”

Schmidt emphasizes: “Of course when it’s time to go to warmer areas I’ll be back on board right away. South Seas, New Zealand, Singapore. My dear ZDF knows it’s too much for me in white panties in our part of the world It’s fresh.”

When asked by BILD, ZDF confirmed a settlement for material reasons. The screenplay for “Das Troumschiff – Mauritius” does not include the role of Oscar Schifferl, so Harald Schmidt does not play in the episodes currently being shot. Harald Schmidt has not been seen in every ‘Trumaschiff’ episode in recent years, A spokesman said.

When asked by BILD, Harald Schmidt did not want to name his specific current vaccination status. Moderator: “Actually now, I’ll tell BILD. But this rock-hard data protection…”

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