Harry and Meghan get rejected at a great restaurant in Canada – Royals

Harry and Meghan get rejected at a great restaurant in Canada - Royals

Not every planned excursion was successful.

Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38) whistle about the Christmas traditions of the British royals and spend a holiday in Canada with Meghan’s mother Doria (63) with son Archie (7 months).

The young family used their time to be active in fresh air. He jogged and hiked at Hoth Hill Regional Park, as told by the restaurant’s owner, Bev Koffel, to the newspaper.Vancouver Sun.Reported on Christmas.

Bev, along with her husband Pierre, runs the luxury restaurant Deep Cove Chalet in northern Saanich. Harry and Meghan were also requested about Christmas, but owner Pierre had to refuse the reservation without further ado. Reason: too much security! The security situation for the restaurant was very high.

Now the owner Bev is waiting for another call from the royal couple. Because she did not agree with her husband’s disapproval: “Anyway, you know how Pierre is.” We will see what happens, ”she says with a wink. He is happy that something is finally going on in the quiet city.

“He should be left in peace. We can only consider them lucky for ourselves in our region. “And further:” Horth Hill has now become a very popular place. I wish you all a right to privacy. “

The joy of Harry and Meghan’s visit to Canada was also evident in the Prime Minister of Canada. Justin Trudeau (48) wrote on Twitter before the holidays: “Prince Harry, Meghan and Archie. We wish you a peaceful and blessed life in Canada. Said among friends, you are always welcome here. “

And maybe next time it will work with a table if there are only three of them.

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